The telling

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Draco pov:

Ginny made me realise that Potter and Weasly wouldn't accept Hermione and my relationship. I went to meet Hermione and had to tell her that my parents had to know to but they might kill her if they found out that I was dating a muggle born. When she came we talked and I told her that she was safe with me and we shouldn't see each other anymore but she started to weep and tell me that we would find a way out to the problem and we said that 'I love you ' to each other.

For the past days things were going very well until I got a letter from my father it said:
Dear son,
I have heard that you are dating the mudblood Granger. I hope it is not true and if it is I will kill your precious mudblood. So see to it that you do something about it or she will die. I repeat THE MUDBLOOD WILL DIE

I didn't know what to do.

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