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Hello there! It seems that you are really curious about us, eh?? *chuckle* Like what we said at the description, we will tell you guys all about us and about this account.

|| What is OtakusNation? ||

OtakusNation is an account where we focus on the anime community to help unite all otakus. Spread the love of anime! Also, this is where we will be hosting several contests such as writing anime short stories, cover contests, and many more! Just wait and see!(•ؔʶ̷ ˡ̲̮ ؔʶ̷)✧

Our main objective is to let every otaku in Wattpad have fun, learn new things about anime and manga, get so many information and facts about our favorite anime and most importantly, get to know other otakus! Our diverse languages and nationalities doesn't matter. We want to have fun, right?? No need to be afraid, let's get to know other otakus!

Okey, first of all, we want you guys to get to know people who monitor this awesome account. Let's introduce, our Staff!

|| Staff of OtakusNation ||

Captain of OtakusNation


Hello there! It's so nice to meet Chu guys! I am the founder of this amazing account! Ohh wait, first of all...let me introduce myself. My nickname is Syaf and I'm *cough* years old.hope we can get along with each other! ('▽`)/

Co-Captain of OtakusNation


Alice here! It's my pleasure to work with Syaf and other lovely members here in OtakusNation. I'm just your average otaku helping to spread the love of anime.

Staffs of OtakusNation


Hei guys, I'm Kai. A new member of this awesome account. Can't wait to know you guys!


Hey, hey, hey! I'm Gie ( ) I love to fangirl about things that have to do with anime, manga, otome games, and bishounen! Before getting to know me, I'll let you know beforehand that I'm a really weird person xD


Aye, May here xD My official job is fangirling about my biases and everything anime :D Send me a PM (warning: this is a girl with a weird personality), I don't bite! (^^)


Hey everyone, you can call me Aimee or Pauline. I am a fan of any kind of psychological anime. Feel free to message me at any time! :)


Yo yo yo people~ It's Sharky here! I'd like to say that I'm an asocial pessimistic, but it's clearly the opposite ㅠㅡㅠ I'm just as weird as aliens trying to queue up in 7Eleven in the middle of the night for marshmallows, but hit me up anyway. Peace out(•̀ᴗ•́)و


Aloha, people of this world. Thou shall call me Paola and we shall fangirl about anime as certified otakus. I'd like to keep this introduction short, so let us talk again next time. Paola, out. (•ᴗ•)


Hello, you can call me Saki! I'm a huge fan of Anime and Manga! I'm a huge fan of old classic animes so if you want to see some go ask me and I'll recommend you some!


Hi! Nice to meet all of you! My real name is somewhere near Juliet, but you guys can call me Jules. Talk to me about any manga or anime you're particularly interested in, I'm ready to zone on and on about it!


Konnichiwa~! My real name is Samantha but I prefer Sam. I am really excited and happy that I was asked to be a part of the staff. I'm an anime addict aha. Message me if you want to know any good anime and feel free to talk geeky to me~ Sayonara



Hola!You may call me the defender of justice,Anria! No,I am not 707 in disguise.If you didn't know already,I'm an admin..Anyways,if you need to rant about something or just want to talk,PM me anytime


OHAYO! I am the Princess of Otakuing! ^•^ I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz or Eli-chi! If you wanna rant, chat, fangirl, die, or just jump off a cliff into Anime Hell, just talk to me through PM! I'm really crazy and weird, so thanks for bearing with me! ^~^ Arigato!


[beatbox] uh yeah, my name is tsuki,
age 13, but is 6 phy-si-cally!~
i can't rap, or ryhme that is,
okay im done. adios~
(ง ˙ω˙)ว


Hallo~ I'm Kei . An 11 year old kid who loves anime. I'm super happy to be part of this awesome community. Any recommends? <3


Eyo Peopleeee! Name is tina! AKA -cocolatte or last named as _marshmallooo. I'm a thirteen year-old highschool girl who always got lost in her crazy imaginations and always locks herself to watch korean drama and anime <3. I love food, drawing and anime (ofc) and yah that's it XD  If you want to have some advice, or someone to talk or laugh with or fangirl on anime boys *ehem* 707 *ehem* you could PM me XD Byeeeee~

We hope you will have a fun time here with us — the OtakusNation— and we would be very grateful to receive your support.

- OtakusNation

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