Chapter 12: Facing Fears

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Louis' P.O.V

It's been a month since Jacob and Eleanor came round, since then, Katie has gone back home with Alfie but still visits often. Alfie turned 5 and we had a little birthday party for him. Katie admitted that she was scared to go home, but she knew she had to do it at some point.
She's coming over again today, and we're going to go out with the boys while Alfie's at school.

When she gets out the taxi and nears the front door, Niall quickly opens it to make her jump. "Hilarious." She sticks her tongue out at him, before saying hello and hugging us all, "It's been ages! 2 weeks!"
"I know!" Harry says.
She turns to me, "Right, Tommo, where are we going today?"
"It's a surprise."
"Ooohhh... Can you tell me anyway though?"
I laugh, "No!"
She sticks her bottom lip out, "Pleasseeeee..."
"Nope! I'm not telling you."
The boys laugh, as she turns round and asks them instead, "None of us are telling you!"

Katie's P.O.V

"Um.. Louis. I-"
He smiles, "Don't worry, we won't get mobbed, we booked a day where almost no one is off school, the park is practically empty and we have a couple security guards just in case."
I give a weak smile, "It's not that.. I'm really sorry, but I don't like rollercoasters." I look ahead at the 'theme park' sign.
Louis' smile drops, "How come?"
I shrug, "I don't know, I've just always been a bit scared of them.. I could only ever cope with the caterpillar.." I look at him, "I'm so sorry... I can be the bag holder and join in on the tamer ones and stuff like hook a duck?" I offer hopefully.
His smile reappears slowly, "No worries.. Today you're going to face your fear."
"Wait, what? Louis no, I can't-"
He stops me, "Sure you can. I'll even hold your hand if you need me to."
My tone becomes desperate, "Please Louis, I really don't want to. They terrify me.."
He smiles gently, "Try one, and if you don't like it, then you don't like it... But you might love it."
Niall joins in, "Yeah go on!"
And Harry, "Louis' right, you should at least try."
"Come on.. I'm allowed to not go on, because I tried it last time we came.." Zayn adds on laughing.
Louis looks at me, "Just one. Please... For me?"
I sigh and give in, "Ok, ok one and that's it!"
"Unless you like it then we can take you on more." Louis adds.
"Don't push it Tomlinson." I can't help but smile, although I am now terrified to go on a rollercoaster.

"Holy..." I mutter, stopping myself from swearing as I look up at the high, fast roller coaster... The death trap. "I'll just hold the bags."
Louis laughs, "Nope, you said. Don't worry, I-"
I shake my head, "No Louis, this is massive! Can't we start on a much tamer one?"
Louis rolls his eyes jokingly, "You see, people think going on a tamer one is good to start with, but it's not. Because each time they get bigger, you always get scared. Whereas if you start on a really big one, everything else is a piece of cake. Do you get where I coming from."
I groan, "Yes... And I hate the fact that I think you are actually right."
He chuckles, "Course I am. Come on let's follow the boys."
Zayn takes a seat on a bench nearby, "You've already got a bag holder.. go on! I'll see you after."

He takes my hand and starts to walk but I stay on the spot, "You said you owe me, and here's how you can thank me. I think you'll like it, and if not, we never have to go on one again. Pleaseeee."
After hesitation, I eventually nod, "Ok. But don't get annoyed if I close my eyes for the whole thing."
Louis smiles, "I'll sit next to you don't worry, and I'll even hold your hand if you want."
I raise my eyebrows, "Thanks, but don't blame me if you hand snaps off."
He laughs then says, "Right, let's go.. You'll thank me later... Hopefully." And leads on... What am I letting myself into?

Slowly, the rollercoaster travels up a high climax, "Oh god, I can't do this." I start to panic.
Niall smiles, turning around from in front, "Hate to break it to you, but there's no way out of this now." Liam nudges him and tells him to shut up, before reassuring me it will be ok.
"Don't worry Katie, it's safe... Just scary." Harry says from the carriage in front of Liam and Niall.
Louis takes my hand, "Squeeze my hand if you need to." We get to the top, and stop facing down. My breathing quickens, we are so high right now, the people look like tiny dots, and we're about to fall, "Enjoy it." Louis adds before our carriage tips and we go flying down the rollercoaster, me screaming the whole time and gripping onto Louis' hand.

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