Chapter 10 | Scared

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*Killian's POV*

When i went to sleep it was about midnight and Emma still hadn't come home. I was beginning to get worried but I figured she was able to take care of herself.....

That was until she didn't come home the next day and then one day turned into two, which turned into three. I tried calling her but she must have had her phone turned off or on do not disturb.

"Hey this is Emma, Leave a message"

"Swan it's Killian. This is probably your  400th message for me but where are you?! You've been gone three days. Are you okay? Are you safe? Just pick up once, or send a text or something!"

I placed my phone down on the side and got ready for class. I didn't expect her to call or text, she's probably busy. I just wanted to know she was okay. I had a latte set out for her each day but she didn't come I usually ended up drinking it. Not that I'm complaining.

The routine was simple. I'd get up, go to class, get a latte, wait. Make dinner, drink the latte , wait. Plus there was the 100 odd phonecalls she would get from me. Then I'd go to sleep.

It was odd not having her around, her teachers understood why and i made sure there was work set aside for her.
I just missed her and I couldn't help but worry that she'd been kidnapped or worse....killed.

By the time day 7 has arrived I literally wanted to kill myself. All of this was my fault. If I hadn't told her to go to that stupid party then she wouldn't have gone home alone and ultimately she wouldn't have been raped.

I decided to order a chinese, big enough for two just incase and i got a bit of everything. I was just about to turn Netflix on when the door swung open , making me jump and causing me to drop the remote.

"Killiannnn I'm baccckk!"

Emma. I put the food down and bolted off of the sofa to grab her. I wrapped my arms around her, engulfing her in a massive hug, the force of my body knocking her over slightly.

"Ooof. Someones happy to see mee"

I pressed her closer to me, one hand on her head and the other firmly wrapped around her torso. I stayed there for a few minutes before pulling back and shaking her.


"Killy calm downn. I was stayingg with my ex"

"What's his name Emma?"

"His name is Grahammm and he's the sheriff."

"Wait wait wait. Your ex is Sheriff Graham?!"

She nods playfully. Something's not quite right here.

"Em, why didn't you answer my calls."

"I was busyy. You knoww clubbing and sex on the beach. The question is do i only mean the cocktail?"

She winks at me before walking into the kitchen leaving me standing there with a dry mouth.


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