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When Judy awoke, is was not like her other encounter with the other bunny. She didn't have any pain over her body at all. She just was tied to a chair. 
The chair worried her. But she was glad that this time when she woke up, there wasn't any sharp pains. Or cameras pointed towards her.
She blinked multiple times until her vision cleared up, and her ears, that were flat against her head, twitched at the sound of grumbling in the distance.
She blinked a few more times until her vision was completely clear, she saw Jack sitting at his desk. He was scattering through paperwork.
In reality, Judy shouldn't of went to his estate alone. But she was a little messed up from her past experiences. And not in a good way. But she had a feeling that this time, She wouldn't have to fight to leave this place.
She had a feeling that by tomorrow morning, she'd be driving home. But in the back of her mind. She doubted it.

Judy opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, only a groan from pain. An odd pain that was in her head. She couldn't tell what it was just yet.

Jacks ears perked and went to the side before he turned to Judy.
"Good morning, Love." He teased her as he stood up. He walked over to Judy's chair and smirked a little bit.

"I hope you slept well...."

Judy narrowed her eyebrows and started coughing.
"W..why do you keep doing this t-too me?" Judy asked as she opened and closed her paws, as her wrists were tied to the arms of the chair.
"Oh because, Judith. I thought you were beautiful. To beautiful for me. That's a complement." Jack said with a smug grin as he put his paw under Judy's chin.
"And if you would not like to repeat the events from the last time we met, then listen closely, Dear....." He said as he let go of her chin, and made his way over to his desk. He then picked up a particularly sharp knife.

Judy's eyes widened. And she felt that as if her heart beat was so loud, Jack could hear it.

Jack made his way over to Judy, having a firm grasp on the knife.
"Now. Love. After getting assigned to this dreaded city. And after you decided to go to court against me~" he scoffed. "You almost got me arrested. But Judith. I'm never getting locked up as long as I live. You've met my friend Dawn Bellwether?" He asked, but a rhetorical question really.
Judy's eyes widened.
"What about her? She's in prison!" Judy exclaimed as she now got her full voice back.
"Shh.....you don't wanna strain that pretty voice of yours." Jack teased her as he held the knife up to her neck for a second before moving it back to his side.
"I was in business with her and former Mayor Lionhart before the whole night howler incident. You, and the fox, put a little dent in Dawns plan. Huh?" He smirked before his ears twitched and his grip tightened on the knife.
"Well. After you and.....the fox decided to crack down on her case. I went into business with a private agency. And as I mentioned to you earlier, Agent Smith had joined me at the agency. And well.....when I succeed at something. I love to be the only one. But Smith was an exception, dear. She was my 'girlfriend' or at least how she saw it~" he said. He then didn't give Judy a chance to speak before continuing;
"After getting assigned to Zootopia to help training at the ZPD. When I was going through the officers personal files~Oh. Would you look at that? I found you. My. It must've been quite an achievement to be the first bunny cop. Huh? Well I don't mean to burst your bubble, Hopps. But I was first. And I will always be first. And the only one. And I'll break down and destroy any other officer, or agent of my size and species until IM THE ONLY ONE LEFT!" Jackson raised his voice as he walked away from Judy.
Judy felt relief as Jack walked away, but didn't like his shouting.
"B-but...." Judy took a deep breath, trying to find herself before speaking.
"We're rabbits, Jackson. We're unappreciated. We're from big families. And everybody thinks we can't succeed to anything because we're always scared, small, and meek! You should be glad more bunnies are joining the agency! Not wanting to take them down!" Judy exclaimed before her ears flattened at Jacks glare towards her. But she pushed herself to continue to speak, but got cut off by Jack.
"Unappreciated? Large families? What world are you living in?!" He scoffed as he started to tap his foot rapidly in annoyance.
"I'm the most appreciated agent in the agency! Without me. They wouldn't solve half of their cases! But after you speaking up and going to court! You almost ruined me!" He shouted as his grip on the knife only got tighter.
Before Judy could even get a word out, Jack continued. Again.
"Large families? Large famil—...." Jack cut himself off as he walked towards Judy and grabbed her throat tightly with his one free hand.
Judy's ears perked up and she tried her very best to try and pull away, being that this bunny just happened to be very strong.

"You're from a farm. Aren't you?" Jack asked with wide eyes.
Judy took a deep breath before nodding, purely out of fear.
Jack pulled his hand away and his nose twitched, he then had a fake smile.
"Of course you are. You're not a city bunny. I mean. Look at you. Optimistic personality. You never give up. You trusted a complete stranger to go on a date with you." Jack smirked as he turned to face Judy.
Judy's eyes widened and they then flooded with tears and she looked down at her lap, he was right. She did trust him.

And it was a mistake.

A very big mistake.

"You're not a city bunny." He repeated. "Unlike you. Little farm girl. I wasn't born into a family of hundreds where everybody loved each other and where mommy and daddy tucked you in at night and told you they loved you. I was born here in this awful place you call Zootopia. But I got out as soon as I could." He scoffed as his ears flattened. But only for a second, he forced them up, being that he didn't wanna look 'weak'.
"Again, unlike you. You have hundreds of siblings. And you all probably lived together at home. All lovey and dumb shit like that. I was born in a pair of eight. I'm an octuplet. But I don't know any of them. You were born in your family. And you stayed there. But for city bunnies, we're handed off as babies like test answers. I was the one of my only sibling put in the rainforest district. City bunnies don't keep all their children. They keep one. And, well. That one wasn't me. Have you been to an orphanage anywhere in zootopia, Hopps? Have you? No. You haven't. But if you were to go, there are bunnies there. There are hundreds of us there. And when parents go there to adopt, if they're any other species, they aren't interested. They only wanted their species. If they're bunnies, they take one. And the best part~I was never one of them. And you know what I did? I made sure every other kid that might've been adopted. Wasn't. I made sure to shave their ears while they slept and punch all their front teeth out. I envy bunnies like you because you're ungrateful! I had to make a name for myself. I wasn't wanted. And I wasn't wanted anywhere in life. You don't think it was hard for me to be an agent? Oh boo-hoo you were small. You couldn't reach the desk. But you'll never understand what its like to get beaten down your entire life and told you're NOT GOOD ENOUGH NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO." Jack shouted as his voice started to crack from his rising emotions near the end, he then took the knife and stabbed it straight into the table that was across from Judy out of anger, but no tears formed, he had trained himself not to cry.
Judy on the other hand, was so overwhelmed. She wasn't aware of any of this at all. But she wasn't going to say she felt bad. This was the man who assaulted her.
Judy's ears perked up as she saw the knife go through the table and her paws started shaking, but she was still a little curious.
"Jackson....if you had to build yourself......then who are you? What's your actual name?" Judy asked as her heart beat sped up. But also needed as much information as possible.
"My name is Jack Wi—Wait a minute." Jack growled as he walked over to Judy, placing his hand back around her neck.
"Judith." He said simply before squeezing on her neck for multiple seconds, waiting until her face turned purple, unintentionally matching her eyes, then let go.
"Stop." He said as he let go of her next, Then reached over to the table and pulled the knife out as he walked to the staircase, cursing under his breath.

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