| Chapter 5 |

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He came.

He actually came.

Now that surprised me.  I thought he would have stayed at home, having heard from Hotaru-san about how childishly afraid he was of certain things.

I had been sitting outside on the front porch of the office building in the cemetery where my father was currently filing through wills and such, eating dango my mom had made a couple of hours ago.  I had changed into my normal T-shirt and shorts, quickly tying my hair into a messy ponytail.  Watching other students walk past outside of the gates far away, I couldn't help but wonder how they managed to cope with those stuffy school uniforms.

"Areh?  My cute little brother isn't here?" I heard the voice next to me as I turned to look at who it was.

"Hotaru-san," I leaned back, resting on my arm.  "I don't think he'll believe me.  Honestly, he doesn't seem as if he will."

"Haha, don't worry about it," the teal-haired girl giggled a bit, taking a seat beside me.  "He'll come...otherwise...we'll lose him too soon..."

"What was that?"

"Ah, nothing, I was just mumbling to myself~"  And with that, she faded away.  "Look who's there..."


"Yo, ah, Oda-san," I rubbed the back of my head, uncertain of what to expect.  Why am I even here?  That girl's weird, let alone creepy.  But...if she knows about how my sister died...  "I'm here."

I almost saw a ghost of a smile flicker across her face, but what I thought I saw was quickly replaced by an apathetic glance.  "Why do you want to see your sister so badly?" Mia just stared at me.  "It's almost as if you're like a sis-con-"

"Y-You don't have the right to say that about me!" I flinched, pointing an accusing finger at her.  "Y-You're the one who does weird cults and stuff and-"

Mia just stared at me rant on and on.  If you didn't know, it's a really bad habit of mine.  Once I get started, I really can't stop.  However, a slap in the face woke me up.  "O-Oi!" I protested, sprawled on the floor.

She sighed.  "This is why I don't like being close to people," Mia had her hands on her hips.  "Well, let's go."  She started walking to the back of the house.

"W-Wait for me!!!"


Honestly, what are you supposed to expect from someone you barely got to know- wait, that's not even right.  How are you supposed to trust a girl you've been afraid of for your whole childhood who suddenly promises you a trip to meet your sister who's dead?  It doesn't really make sense, I know, but...but...

I never got to apologize to Hota-nee.

I'm the one at fault.


"What is this place...?" I looked around, chills creeping up my spine as I felt a sudden draft when Mia closed the door.

"It's a normal storage room," she seemed to deadpan at my expression.  "Calm down."

I shivered, hugging my arms tightly as I followed her down another flight of stairs.  "Where are we going?"

"Like I said, to see your sister."


"If you keep on asking so many questions, I may think about changing my mind."


The awkward silence was deafening as the light from Mia's flashlight grew dimmer and dimmer.  Suddenly, she stopped in her steps, making me almost run into her.  "W-What is it?!"

"I almost forgot."  Mia turned back to me and shined the flashlight into my eyes.  "Close your eyes."


"Close your eyes.  Haven't you heard that 'the eyes are the windows to your soul'?  It's literal," she explained impatiently.  "If you don't want to be possessed or anything, close your eyes."

"What happens if I'm tempted to open my eyes?  And how about you?"

Mia sighed, her eyes flickering with annoyance as she suddenly pulled off my tie and quickly blind-folded me.  "I'm not like you.  There, better?"

"I-I guess," I managed to stammer a reply.  Then, tentatively, I mumbled, "Can...Can I...?"

"Can you what?"

"C-Can...Can I hold your hand?  I really can't see or anything and-" I started to stammer and spout nonsense, but the sensation of someone jerking my hand down to theirs made me shut up.

Contrary to what I thought, her hands were warm.  Warm and soft, not cold and hard as I thought.  It was almost comforting, and with my eyes covered, it felt...normal.

"Yo!" I suddenly heard a voice to my left which was not the Gravestone Gi- I mean, Mia's.  (Man, I was so close to breaking that bad habit!)  "Who is this?  Fresh meat~!"

I heard a ghoulish shriek emit from my mouth as I reeled back.  "Calm down!" Mia quickly grabbed my shoulder - I think - and pulled me upright.  "It's all right.  It's just Kal."

"K-Kal...?" I asked questioningly.

"Yo!" the voice said again, and I could feel something soft brush against my calves.  "I'm Kal, and I like meat~" it chirped.

"Kal, you can't eat him," I heard Mia say in her usual deadpan voice.  "He's visiting his sister.  You know, her."

"E-Eh?!  Really?  So does he have the same problem?" Kal was excitedly asking.

"I don't know-"

"Wait, hold on.  What are we talking about?" I stopped them.  It was hard being blindfolded and having a conversation with some weird being and a gravestone girl.  "And what is Kal?"

"I'm a kitsune!  Get it right!  Can't you see- Oh.  You're blindfolded."  I heard him snicker.  "I forgot he's human..."

I sighed.  "Anyways...just let me see Hota-nee and then I'll leave."

Someone sighed, then Kal said, "I'll bring you two there."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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