Chapter Three: Appearances Can Be Deceiving

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Coin purse in a hand and a black rose in a heart, yet in a contradicting manner, with a cranium skyward, Allie strutted through the passageway. She was among the presence of many affluent guests, all seeming to be gawking directly at her now fearless and now ferocious aura. Allen made her way through the pub, to bestow her ravishing presence upon a rickety, mature chair, the leather being worn from the upholstery. Unquestionably was this day one of her better, perhaps the best, Allen had ever had the opportunity to experience.

"Pardon. A swig or two of bourbon for a lady?" Allie whispered seductively, allowing her red lip stick to leave an impression in the bartender's thoughts.

"One for myself as well, bar keep," a man, dressed in suit and tie, and a handsome one at that, with a freshly shaven jaw line and a freshly trimmed mane, gestured to the bartender in an equally seductive manner. "As for you," he directed towards Allie, "May I have the absolute pleasure of accquiring your beautiful name?"

"Edward, as if you haven't had the pleasure before."

"Cunning you are, Allen. You realize that my presence is not a mere coincidence. Business is the topic of this occassion," his vocals hardening with each word.

"Oh, dearest Edward. I thought you just loved my accompanyment. Can you not warmthen my cold soul for a mere moment?" Allen toyed.

"Let's take a walk," Edward suggested, as he stood from his wobbly piece of furniture, and began readjusting his layers of clothing to the utmost elegance. Allie began rising up from her seat as well, the altitude difference between the top of his cranium and the top of her cranium decreasing by the millisecond. She found herself staring into Edward's deep chestnut eyes, where she too began readjusting her clothing to the utmost elegance. Edward's palm shot from his side towards Allie in a gesture to grasp each other's hands, and not to his surprise did she return the gesture. Dashing were the two of them almost strutting out of the putrid tavern, as if to be gems amid a pile of coal, and a magnificent couple they would have made, except for the actuality that they were not a couple.

Along the boulevard they walked, with the scent of fresh baguettes cleansing the air of the rancid odours of the proletariats, gems amid jewelry boutiques glistening upon the reflection of the daylight, and the amiable hum of a plethora of consultations about the plaza, only to find themselves towering above all on the intersection of a pair of sodden earth roads.

"Intertwine your hands in mine to notion we are a couple," Edward softly, and yet still firmly, whispered, as he smiled at Allen with what seemed to be unadulterated affection.

"Now, Edward, absent has been our fondness for a long extent, and I dare not to simply reacquaint as if there was a slight crumb of emotion transferred between the two of ourselves," Allen uttered, somewhat appalled and somewhat satirical simultaneously.

"My words are always audible, Allie. Now hold my hands, and gaze into by eyes. Imagine more than a slight crumb exists, yes?" now moderately sore, however still ever so handsome Edward commanded, as the muscles amid his jawline contracted into a slight movement that hinted his undeniable endearment towards her.

"Edward, darling. Of course, I shall clench your palms. However, is it feasible that you can allow me some commentary on your very mundane meeting?"

"Shall I make a proposal?"

"Certainly," Allie complied, nodded her head as she did so.

"On behalf of the illegitimate department of the United States government, I would like to offer a position."

"A position of what exactly?"

"Due to your current career paths, I would conclude that you aren't in a position of arbitration, Allen," Edward retorted, now removing his grip and assembling both of his hands in his trouser pockets.

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