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  The pain kept coming,my contractions kept coming, and I wanted to be over already "Olivia how far apart are they now" Lola ask rubbing my back "about 15 minutes" I said replying back. "Hey love heres some tea" Justin say walking into the room "dont you understand I dont want anything, leave me alone!" I say yelling at him but once I saw the way he looked in the pain in his eyes I felt bad "Justin im sorry I just ---" "Love dont apologize your going through pain and im just making it worst" he say " Lola can you leave me and Justin alone for a minute" I ask trying to be nice "Umm Olivia I dont think thats a good idea" she say sounding concern "Mom its ok, im here" Justin say and thats when she got up and left.


    Justin didnt say anything all he did was cuddle up behind me and rubbed my belly.2 hours passed by and I looked over my shoulder and saw that Justin fell asleep, I turn aound and kiss him on the cheek.Once I turned around a pain rushed through my body "AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed loud as I can and accidentally scared Justin in his sleep "Olivia are you okay? whats wrong?!" Lola sa rushing into the room "NO I WANT TO GO TO HOSPITTAL" I say yelling at everyone in the room "Justin go get the her bag and the baby bag" Jeremy ordered him and Justin ran out the room. Jeremy swept me off my feet and carried me to the car "I got the bags" I hear Justin say coming behind us, Jeremy sat me in the backseat and right away I had a feeling to push and I did "Olivia do not push!" Lola shout from the front seat "I have to!" I say grunting. I didnt know what to do the pain kept coming and the urge to push was even worst and out of no where everything went black.

  "Olivia can you hear me we need you to push on the count of 1....2....3" and I push hard as I can "I cant do it" I say crying "Olivia push 1....2....3" and I pushed one last time hard as I could and thats when I heared crying and knew thats my baby "its a girl!Daddy would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The nurse yells out,Justin rush over and cutted the cord. The nurses rushed over and handed her to me she was soo pale had black hair and blue eyes "She is perfect" I say tearing up "just like you" Justin say staring at me. The nurses took her to get her cleaned up and make sure she is okay "Olivia you did it" I heared my mom say "mommy I didnt know you was hear" "of course I came" she say giving me a kiss on my forehead. "Olivia and Justin your baby is 6 lbs and 19 ounces she was born 5:45am December 20 2013, she is a healthy babygirl congratulations" and everybody started clapping, "Olivia you have to push the placenta out its quick and easy" I lay my head back down and just pushed and it came out right away.

Justin POV:

    Watching Olivia push out Aqua was the scariest thing ever, as I cut the cord my life flashed in front of me im actually a father and its my duty to protect my family. "She is perfect" Olivia say and I notice she was tearing up,as her ass watered they sparkled "Just like you" I say starring at her. I got a little sad when the nurses took Aqua to get her cleaned so I decided to go to make sure everthing was okay and give Olivia a little alone time with her mother.I watched the nurses check my baby girls blood "is everything okay?" I ask one of the nurses coming out "everything is fine, we just wanted to make sure theres nothing wrong with her" she say smiling hard. Olivia was right Aqua is perfect and everyboy is going to fall in love with her but im going to be there and make sure her pretty little heart dont get broken.

  The nurses brought Aqua back to the room for Olivia can start to breast feed.As we walked in the room I seen Olivia eyes glisten with love and happiness her mom was brushing her beautiful hair. I handed Olivia our baby "I love you son im proud of you" my mom say "i love you to mom" I say and pulled her into a tight hug"im also proud of you" Olivia mom say and she give me a quick hug ,our moms walked out the room knowing Olivia was about to feed Aqua. She pulled out one of her breast and right away Aqua started suckin "how do it feel?" I asked "Umm weird but im going to have to get use to it" Olivia say, her eyes was getting heavy and I knew she was tired. Aqua finished eating so I burped her and rocked her to sleep, Im suprises she haven't cried yet but thankful for it to. I sat in the chair and stared down at her "I love yo babygirl" I whisper to her and I swear I saw her smile in her sleep, I lookover to Olivia in the hospital bed and notice she was sleep "both of my girls sleep" I say out loud.

        2 hours went by and I was awoke by a knock on the door, I looked over and notice Olivia was still sleep and Aqua is still sound asleep in my arms. "Come in" I say loudly but not to loudly to awake my babygirl's "WHERE IS SHE!" Andre say yelling, Aqua flinched hard in my arms but didnt wake up "Shut the hell up man, they're sleep" I say to him "im sorry,oh my God she is beautiful just like me" he say and I hear Malik and James both laughing beside him "I wonder what color fur she going to have when she get older since she is mix" Malik say "Probably pink" Andre say making another joke "I dont care what color fur she have, as long as she become strong like her mother" I say looking down at Aqua "hello everybody" I hear my dad say walking in "wow look at this my granddaughter is she sleep?" "yes dad please dont wake her up" I say "fine I wont well at least not this time, your mom went to get you and Olivia some food" he say "alright thanks I am pretty hungry, I know Olivia is to" I look over to Olivia and notice how beautiful she was "Alright son im going home to get rest and I think yall need to come to" he say to my friends "yeah you right talk to you later man and congrats" Andre say walking out the door "Yeah congrats bro" James say walking out and Malik followed "Im proud of you" my dad say walking out the door also. "Finally sleep at last" I say to myself and once I closed my eyes Aqua started crying.

Olivia POV:

    As Justin walked back in the room with my daughter, I got so excited. My mom was brushing my hair into a bun Justin handed Olivia to me and everybody stopped what they was doing and walked out "I love you hunny" my mom whisper in my ear I saw Justin hug our mom's it was so sweet. Once they left I pulled out my breats and started feeding my angel "how do it feel?" Justin ask "Umm weird but im going to have to get use to it" I answer back . Time went by and I started to get sleepy and out of no where I fell asleep once Aqua stopped eating.


  As I slept I heared people come In and out the room I was to sleepy to listen to who it was but I woked up once I heared my baby crying, I looked over to the chair and noticed how sleepy Justin looked while he changed her diaper "You should get some rest bae, hand me her I got this" I say "you sure love?" he say handing her to me "yes but can you please go talk to the Docter and see when we well be able to leave" I asked "yes I'll be right back and oh yeah my mom bringing us some food back" he say walking out the door. I looked down at Aqua and I knew my life was ment to be like this.

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