1: Encounter

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“I’m done.”

I murmured as I lay down in my bed. It’s been a long day since I’ve finished furnishing my things in my apartment. I was so tired moving my things around in my place even if it’s just a tiny space—I’m not a superwoman who can carry tables, chairs, cabinets and every other furniture alone.

My parents died in a car accident a year ago. A few months after my parents’ death, I flew to Italy to meet my maternal grandparents, yet it seems that my lifestyle won’t fit the Italian setting so I decided to return to Japan and live alone. Using my parents’ insurance and money earned from my part time jobs, I managed to find myself a good place to live in and sustain a good life.

“Oh dear, so you’re the new occupant here,” my new neighbor, Mrs. Ishida, as she introduced herself, exclaimed when I passed by her while carrying a big box filled of books. I stopped to greet her and I introduced myself.

“My name is Yuki Azuma. Hope you will be good to me.”

“Such a fine, young lady. Did your parents sent you here to study?”

“No. My parents are dead. I’m living alone and will be studying in Habataki Academy.” I slightly bowed my head and bade goodbye before she could say more.  I’m not trying to avoid such questions ; I’m just quite busy fixing my things in my apartment and I have no time to chat with neighbors. I admit that it’s hard to be without my parents to guide me, but I’m sure they’re looking after me so I could achieve my dream of becoming a famous mangaka.


It’s been a week since I settled here in Tokyo. I found some friendly people in my apartment and I got used with every twist and turns of the city. And I guess I’m pretty lucky this year—I got a full scholarship in Habataki Academy. For my celebration, I’m gonna cook something for myself, say—

“Oi, that’s my leek you’re holding.” A deep voice said, pulling the bunch of leek I just grabbed from the market table.

“I saw this first, so it’s—“

  I was a bit startled when a really tall guy was looking down on me. He have this big body, dark, brushed up hair, and hazel eyes that was fixing a gaze on me. I gulped. I can’t say that he’s a delinquent, though he sure look like one with his scary aura and that dangling earing on his left ear.

Wait. A gangster? Shopping for veggies?

“I touched it first so it’s mine.” The big guy said to me without taking off his gaze. I don’t understand why he had to play tug-of-war with me over a poor leek when there’s  just too many leeks for sale in the table. Maybe the leek holds some special power and his mafia boss ordered him to bring it back to him unharmed. Or maybe that’s where he get his power when he transform as Super… um… Leekman?

It won’t make a good manga.

I let go of the leek and looked back at him. “There’s you leek. I’m not an idiot to die fighting for it. I could still—“ I stopped talking when I saw that there’s no more leek in the tray.

So that’s why he’s dying to get that leek from me! There’s no way I could pull it back from him; his punch might create a hole in me. Well, he doesn’t look like he could hurt girls or  anything, not to mention his (kinda) intimidating appearance, but a guy fighting with a girl over a bunch of leaves is just exhilarating!

I was about to leave the store when someone grabbed my hand from behind. I turned around to see a big guy blushing as he lift my hand and put the leek in it.
“Go ahead and pay for it.”

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