The girl

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Jake and his mom got into the car and got ready to turn into the school, when I pretty girl walked by. Jake stared and his mom turned around in her seat and laughed. "You should talk to her if you ever see her again." John said in jakes head. Jake hated the voices in his head and it made his face turn red, his mom turned around in her seat to tell him something. But when she saw jakes face she asked him why his face was red. "Im hot." Jake said and the only excuse for the problem. Jake got out of the car and walked into school, Jake was tardy and had to wait in the office so they could fill out a slip to send him to class. Jake observed the office until his eyes locked on something, it was the girl he saw. The voice in his head immediately started talking "This is your chance, go talk to her!" Jake did nothing but ignore it and continued to observe the office. Jake really wanted to talk to her but didn't want to seem as if he liked her, he wanted it to be a friendly way that he talked to her. So he stood and walked over. "Hi my name is Jake you must be new here." The girl looked at him and looked back at the paper she was signing. "What's your name?" Jake said trying to get her to talk. The girl started walking away and then Jake got his tardy slip and followed her. Asking again "I'm sorry I'm just trying to make friends I really don't have any." The girl finally looked at him and said "my name is Scarlet." Jake looked at her long brown hair and blue eyes and said "nice to meet you Scarlet." Jake walked all the way to his class and realized Scarlet was following him. "Your in this class." Jake asked with his eyes widening and got excited. Scarlet ignored him and walked straight into the class he was walking into. The door shut behind her with Jake still standing in the hallway. "See, you might be able to talk to her more but don't be so pushy, she was probably nervous." John said in his head. Jake ignored it and he walked into class. This was going to be the best day ever.

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