Part 1

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A/N: So this is my longest fic ever! I wanted to share some of my fanfiction here as well. We'll see how it works out. If you guys like it, I'll post more! :)

This is based on imagines from the blog SupernaturalImagine on Tumblr.

"WELL FINE!!" I yelled back to my sister, Brooke, from the top of the stairs. I could hear my mother yelling from downstairs for us to get over it. I ignored her and yelled one more thing. "I DIDN'T WANT TO BE HERE ANYWAY!!"

"Y/N, wait-" My brother, James tried to intervene, blocking the way to my room. My old room.

"Get out of my way," I spat at him, my fists clenched at my sides. He moved without me having to say it twice.

I heard Brooke shoot another insult at me, but my mind couldn't even register what she said. Maybe that was a good thing.

With that, I walked to my room and slammed the door shut behind me. I was done with her. I was tired of this family. Just done. Completely done. I'm tired of this. To be honest, I don't even remember what we were even fighting about, my mind was so clouded with anger. I just knew that I was mad, she's mad, and I wanted to go home. I hadn't seen them for 2 years and this was how they welcomed me.

My family hated me. At least, that's what I felt like. But when I tried to say something about it, I was the one who got called selfish. It's not fair. This was why I stayed away.

My relationship with my family was falling apart, and I could do nothing about it. I wanted to go home.

I flopped on my bed, face in my pillow, the tears coming on but I held them back. I was strong. I could deal with this.

I hated visiting my family.

I heard a knock on my door. It was most likely James trying to fix everything like always. I didn't care if it was him, or anyone else. Ignoring the knocking, I sat up, reached for my phone and my earbuds. I shoved them in my ears and turned up my music. I closed my eyes and put my face back in my pillow.

I assumed whoever was at the door left. I was relieved, I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone now anyway. Well, there was one person, but he was probably busy. And halfway across the country.

I didn't even realize I fell asleep. I woke up two hours later. My phone had died, my earbuds had found their way out of my ears, and my neck had a really bad cramp. How I fell asleep with blasting music I'll never know.

I sat up, rubbing the back of my neck, hoping to soothe the pain there.

I wanted to call Sam. I needed to call him. He had to come get me. And if not, I would drive myself. I'd find a way. I couldn't stay there anymore. It was toxic.

Standing up, I looked around for my phone charger. It was probably in my bag. I'd only been there for three days and I hadn't needed it yet.

I found my charger and plugged it into the wall. The plug was near the ground, and the charger cord was not long enough for me to stand up with the phone in my hand. Sighing, I sat down on the floor next to the plug.

I pulled out my earbuds and dialed Sam's number.

Ringing... Ringing... Ringing... Voicemail.

I dialed again.

Ringing... Ringing... Ringing... Voicemail. Again.

Ugh. Why wouldn't he pick up?

I didn't bother leaving a voicemail. He'd know why I was calling him.

I decided to start packing up my stuff. I hadn't made that much of a mess in my room so I finished packing up in a little over 15 minutes.

I was pretty tired, even after sleeping for two hours straight, so I got in bed. I needed to stock up on sleep if I was going to drive halfway across the country by myself. I set my alarm for 12am, that way I could (hopefully) sneak out when everyone was asleep.

It was only 8pm, and even with the wedding tomorrow... I had to leave.

Not long after I arrived, my sister and I started being snappy with each other, but the fight started getting bad after we got home from the rehearsal and really escalated during dinner. She said something, I replied sarcastically like I normally do. She didn't let it go that time. We always seemed to get into fights when we were together. The never-ending fighting.

When I found out my brother was getting married, I was happy for him. I mean, it was cool he was getting married, Elizabeth was a nice girl, but he didn't even tell me. He was the only one who had my new number since I became a hunter, and he didn't call me. I saw it on his Facebook page one day.

I wanted to go for him, but I couldn't go. I didn't want to go because of everyone else. I didn't even plan to go in the first place. It was my boyfriend's idea, last minute, after I mentioned it in a conversation.

"You should go spend time with your family. You haven't seen them for what? 2 years?" he asked.

"But I want to spend time with you. I don't need them. They don't want me," I said back.

"Sure they do. It will just be a few days. You go, see your brother get married, then come back. Your family is in Texas, right?" I nodded, "Well, we're only two states away. Dean and I will drop you off and we'll even pick you up," he offered. I shook my head. Texas was out of the way.

"But-" He stopped me from talking by putting his hands on both sides of my face and placing a kiss on my lips.

"You need to do this, Y/N," he said after pulling away, "for your brother. He's got to miss you." He lowered his hands to my waist. I let him.

"He hasn't called me since I left. He doesn't even know I know about the wedding. What will happen if I show up all of a sudden?"

Someway, somehow, he convinced me to go, and they dropped me off like Sam said they would. I had tried every excuse not to go, but he shot each one of them down. I even pretended to be sick, but Sam could tell two seconds after I said it that I was faking. I finally ended up calling James and he was delighted to hear from me. He immediately invited me to his wedding, he even invited Sam and Dean, neither of whom he's met.

They declined, later informing me, "Dean and I were gonna check out this case in Georgia. I figured we could work on that while you go to James' wedding. We haven't had any brother bonding in a while."

Though I was sad that I would be going to the wedding without him, I agreed that he should spend time with Dean. He hadn't spent very much time alone with him since we got together and I wasn't going to deprive him of the opportunity.

Before going to bed, I decided to try to call Sam again. I didn't want to drive halfway across the country, and if there was any way to get out of it, I would try.

Ringing... Ringing... Ringing... "Y/N?" a groggy voice answered.

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