Chapter 3

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Dedicated to 2Twinz
Look at him up there looking all sexy and shiz


"Don't say anything. If she losses focus for just a second everything will come crashing on her." I tell Joe. He nods in response. I use my speed and take her from under everything. It falls.

"Again. Again!" Anna yells. I chuckle a bit and shake my head.
"Barry she can't say here. A police department isn't a safe place for her."
"Well she can't go to star labs. Or Iris. Who else?" I ask. Joe thanks for second and than snaps his fingers.

AN: before I continue I need you to know something. I know this isn't correct. But I need them both here at the same time for reasons you will understand later.

"Wally. He isn't doing anything. He'll watch her."  Joe says. I shrug.
"I don't see why not." I agree.


"Me? Watch her? Are you serious?" the man ask.
"Please Wally. Just for a little bit. Please." Barry begs.
"Fine...... Only today though." Wally agrees. I jump up a little bit because im super excited. A plant pot starts to float. Barry pushes it down and thanks him before rushing off. Wally picks me and carries me inside shutting the door behind him.

"So Anna. What do you wanna do?" Wally ask. I shrug. But then get the best idea and run off. I hide underneath the bathroom sink, silently giggling. I hear Wally calling my name. I hear is footsteps walk into the bathroom so I peak out a little bit. Once he's in position I jump out and tackle his feet.

"Aren't you just a trouble maker." he says lifting up on to his shoulders.
"I like you Wally. Your fun!" I tell him.
"I try."

We make our way into the kitchen for snacks.
"Grilled cheese please." I ask.
"Why not." he says sitting me on the counter. I make the food while Wally helps. He flips it and put it on plates. I add the cheese. We eat chocolate milk and grilled cheese while watching the lorax.
"I SPEAK FOR THE TREES!" I yell once the movie is over. Wally laughs and I pout.


A half an hour after the movie is over Anna falls asleep. She's such a adorable little girl. After I finish the dishes someone knocks on the door. I open the door to see my girlfriend Maddy (I needed some sauce).

"Hey Wally. Can I come in?" she ask. I open the door wider. She smiles at me then walk in. As soon as I close the door she starts kissing me.

"I can't Maddy. Im babysitting." I tell her.
"Babysitting? That's one of the worst excuses I've ever heard. I knew you were cheating on me. Why don't you love me anymore? You can't get better than me. Am I not good an enough." she starts yelling and crying. That's um a lot.

"Wally?" a small voice says.
"Is that the girl your leaving me for?" Maddy ask sniffing. Anna hugs my feet.
"I had a bad dream. Im scared." Anna cries. Maddy gasp.
"Awww. Who is this little cutie?" Maddy ask.
"Anna im babysitting her." I tell her slowly.
"Why didn't you tell me babe. I would've understood." she says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. I blink a couple times. Is this girl crazy? 

Im tired. I'll publish in the morning

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