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🌸t y l e r🌸

"Holy damn i would pay for Josh to step on me."

"Oh my god Tyler for one second please stop talking about Josh"

Tyler rolled his eyes and continued scrolling through his Instagram feed, as his mother began to scowl at him.

"And put your phone down at the dinner table!"

"Whyyyy it's only usssss" he started to squirm and whine, his mother laughed slightly at his actions.

"Because you can at least spend a little time talking to me at dinner." His mother begged.

He stared at her for a few seconds and gave in. He let out an over exaggerated groan, locked his phone and setting it on the table.

He began to pick at his food, not really wanting to eat all of a sudden.

"Just for the record, I would let Josh rape me in a ally way and leave me there for dead." Tyler said not think twice.

His mother chocked on her food a little and kicked slightly under the table.

He giggles and somewhat kicked back.

Sorry mom.


So a knew thing. Ha why am I writing another book when I can barely keep up with one y IKES

The beginning is gonna start out slow sorry ://////

-Daddy :^)

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