Welcome to hell, children

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Hi there! New book hype! It's been so long since I've actually published anything on Wattpad! *<*

If you're following me and (for some reason) got excited because you got a notification that I published a new story, I apologize. I'm an absolute piece of shit who can't finish anything. This book will enable me to procrastinate on my stories even more than I already do, hence the name. 

In case you somehow stumbled your way onto this story and have no clue who I am (you might want to leave before it's too late) I'll tell you some stuff that might be relevant in this book.

I'm Gigi, also known as a "salty teen memelord". I used to be really into Homestuck and Hetalia, which is what most of my currently-published books are about. But nowadays I couldn't care less about them. So in regards to my my old fics that are unfinished...I'm sorry, but don't expect updates anytime soon. Probably ever. 

At the time of writing this (9/10/16) my main interests/fandoms have shifted to Danganronpa, Osomatsu-san, Voltron, and Pokemon. I probably won't ever write anything Voltron or Pokemon related (although I do ship Klance, so maybe there will be something about that someday? Idk, no promises) but I am going to try and publish some Danganronpa and Osomatsu-san stuff eventually. I've got a couple works in progress rotting away in my drafts section.

I'm that one loser who wrote the outrageously ship-heavy Hetalia fanfic I See Emeralds, which is probably how you noticed my existence in the first place unless we're friends. (Ah, who am I kidding, the only people who will read this will probably be my friends). That fic is quite old (almost a year old now) and it was written very quickly within just a few weeks. I wrote it for fun and never intended to publish it because I found it too embarrassing, but I caved in and put it up. I personally hate it, but it seems like more people than I expected enjoy it, so I won't delete it or any of my other cringy old fics. Even though it's my only completed one, I hope people can enjoy what there is of my abandoned fics too.

This book won't usually be so formal and will probably just be a bunch of memes and shitposting, but I figured I should at least put in an introductory chapter out of common courtesy.

Now that I've been writing this for a while to procrastinate on the Osomatsu-san fics I'm working on, it's time to get back to work I guess. Hopefully I can have one of them (there's gonna be 6) up soon? They're going to be pretty angsty. Look forward to it.

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