Something I Found In My Notes

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I wrote this last year, I don't feel this exact same way I did. The people I've met and the friends I've made have changed that for me.I'm forever grateful to this people and showing me how beautiful I am, inside and out.
With that being said, I hope you enjoy.

I wanna learn how to love me, to at least be comfortable with what I see in the mirror. I wanna look at my self and see something good but it's really hard.
When I look in the mirror I can pick out every flaw and everything that I hate but not one thing I like.
I would like to know what it feels like to love yourself, I feel like  every time I look at my self I find every small mistake or detail out of place and it has lead me to hate mirrors, scales, pictures, and most important, it's lead me to hate myself.
I don't know who's reading this, whether it's me in five minutes or five years, maybe I'm all grown up and reading this. It could be a complete stranger.
I just one day hope to look at myself as something and someone who's pretty, not even beautiful, just pretty.
                      -Kayla Lawton  age 13
July 23,2015

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