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As they walked Bido started ranting on about rom com's and glueto got bored of that and fell asleep on Tido's back. When glueto woke up they were in a different place. There were bus's and street cars. Tall buildings taller than the tallest cactus back in the village. Whoa. Said Glueto. Crazy right? Said Bido. Tido put Glueto down and said Glueto stay close to us ok. I will. Said Glueto breathless. They all walked into the city and a donut approached them. Excuse me but you're not from here are you? Said the donut. No we are not can you tell us where we are? Asked Tido. Well you in California my friend. Answered the donut. Thanks. Said Bido. See ya. Said the donut. Bye! Yelled Glueto. As the donut walked away. Well since we're here we should explore. Right? Said Rito. Yeah! what's the point of being here if we don't look around? Asked Bido. Well I guess we can look around but everyone stay close. Said Tido worriedly. They all walked down street as the walked they saw a building that read Car Dealership. Let's rent a car. said Rito. Fine we'll rent a car. But only for the day. Said Tido. Rito ran into the car dealership and got in to a car. He ramed through the glass in the front window. Get in car! Yelled Rito. They all jumped in the car Rito started driving. I didn't know you were going to steal the car! Tido Yelled to Rito. Well do you have any money?!? Asked Rito. Uh no I thought you had money! Yelled Tido. Well we already have the car so just stop screaming! Yelled Bido. Your such a bad influence. Said Tido quietly to Rito. Well how else were we supposed to get the car? Said Rito. Ugh. Said Tido. The cops are on our tail! Yelled Bido. Oh no! Step on it! Yelled Tido. Stop in the name of the law! Yelled the cop. Rito took a very sharp turn around a building beside a cliff. The car fell into the ravine. JUMP! Yelled Rito. Everyone jumped but Glueto missed the jump and fell down the cliff. Nooooooooooo Glueto! Yelled Tido. Ahhhhhhhhhh! Screamed Glueto as he fell. The car and Glueto both splattered on the ground. No no no! Said Tido. Come on! The cops are coming! Said Bido. They ran behind the building and crouched down. No one here. Said the cop. And the cops ran back in to town. I-I can't believe
he's gone he was so young. Bido said depressedly. He was like the son I never had. Said Tido. So scared of the world. Said Rito. We need push through this we need to get out of this town come on this way. Said Bido. This is all your fault Rito. Said Tido angrily. My fault?! Said Rito. Yeah you stole the car. Tido said. You said I could! Yelled Rito. No I didn't! You lier! Yelled Tido. Ugh. Said Rito. Guys, stop fighting over it it already happened. Said Bido. But... Tido tried to say. I know Glueto is gone, but you don't have to fight about it. Said Bido calmly. They walked quietly for a little bit. It started to become night "We'll camp here for the night" said Bido. We all sat down quietly no one said a word to each other until...

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