Just A Walk In The Park.

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Troye: it's a beautiful day outside isn't it?
Jacob: Yeah it is..
Troye: Yeahh.. Hey I'm hungry. Let's go find a hot dog stand or something .
Jacob: YEAH! That sounds good!

Troye: oh no..hey hon...
Jacob: What's up?!?!
Troye: I see Tyler. OVER THERE!!

*troye points about 50 feet ahead*

Jacob: Who is he?!?!
Troye: I think it's best that we just say hi maybe.
Jacob: w h a t??

Tyler: HEY YALL! How have y'all been?
And who's this friend of yours?
Troye: We're great!
Jacob: hi I'm Jacob... Troyes boyfriend <3
Tyler: OH!! It's been that long since we have talked huh Troye??

*says Tyler in a very Jealous tone*

Troye: ummm...How have you been, Tyler??
Tyler: I've been great! My book is still doing great!
Troye: Oh...that's nice.

*there is awkward silence between the three of you*

*Jacob stands there feeling very awkward*

Jacob: Hey Troye over there is that hot dog stand we were looking for!
Troye: OH YEAH! Hey Tyler, it was nice meeting you again but we're gonna go eat.
Tyler: Oh okay! Well good bye!
Jacob: Bye.

*Tyler walks in the opposite direction than the two of you*

Jacob: Who was he?
Troye: it's a long story, my dear...


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