The call

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^ don't watch video till end once more so Im pretty sure you guys know how it runs now ! :p ^
Hunter:(calling Nancy's number with Brandon and Ashton sitting close by to hear) Ok I'm gonna call her now (a little nervous, calls Nancy's phone number)
Nancy:(in the living room of their house with Karen, Brisy, Blake, and Joey... Their Aunt wasn't home for she was gonna be out the whole weekend until Tuesday b/c of business work... Laughing because Blake was trying to tickle  her) Hello?
Hunter:(hearing voices in the background) Umm hey?
Nancy:(standing up from sitting next to Blake) Who is this?
Hunter:(laughs a little) Nancy its Hunter!
Nancy:(laughs which causes Blake to suspiciously turn around) Oh Hunter! Was sup?!
Hunter:(smiling because Brandon and Ashton were trying to hold back their laughs) umm I just wanted to ask if your available for today
Nancy:(turns back at Blake who was just giving her a dead stare) Umm idk if I'm gonna make plans for later but for now I don't....
Hunter:(not really knowing what to say) Ohh...
Nancy:)breaking the silence even tho Blake was just staring at her) But I mean why do you want to know? You planning to go somewhere with me or what?(laughs which causes Blake to get a little jealous at the way Nancy was flirting Hunter)
Hunter:(laughs) That's exactly why I'm calling you
Nancy:(laughs) What?
Hunter:(stretching the back of his head while Brandon and Ashton were just smiling) Ya I men's I wanted to ask you if you, and your sisters or cousins(laughs a little) would link to go with me and Ashton and brandon to the club or bar... Whatever you want to call it
Nancy:(laughs) You're kidding?
Hunter:(smiling) No? Why?
Nancy:(laughs again) We're under the age of 18 we can't go to clubs or anything like that... Especially not Brisy or Karen they look way to young to at least pretend to be 18
Hunter:(smiling along with Brandon and Ashton) Nancy... Money buys anything in this city
Nancy:(frowns. Confused.) what do you mean?
Hunter:(laughs) I've gone many times to the bar with Ashton, Brandon and other people... All you have to do is give a good amount of money to the security guard from the back and he lets you in
Nancy:(not sure) Are you serious?
Hunter:(laughing) Yes! So what do you say? Are you coming along with your sisters?
Nancy:(turns to Karen who was resting her head on joeys shoulder, and then to Brisy who was using her phone while having the TV on, then to Lizeths who was brushing her heart while watching the TV, and lastly to Blake who was staring at her) Umm idk what they would say... I'll call you later to see what they've decided... And can I take Blake if we do decide to go?
Hunter:(smiles ) Yes. You can take Blake. Well then you'll call me later?
Nancy :(smiling) Ya.
Hunter:ok but by 5 have an answer cuz we're leaving at 7. Ok?
Nancy:(laughs) Ok!
**end of phone call**
Nancy:(out loud to all the group) So do you guys have any plans for today?
Karen:(confused. Looks up from laying we head on Joey) Hmm?
Brisy:(confused) What do you mean?
Blake:(just holding his stare on Nancy) why?
Nancy:(looking at everyone) Well... The Rowland's have invited us to go to the club!
Blake:(confused) What club? We can't go tho... We don't have the age requirements
Joey:(enthusiastic) Ya we can in the Gallop Club.. They let you in just that with an extra fee (puts his arm back around Karen)
Karen:(confused) That's illegal right?
Blake:(turns to Karen) Yes. It is.(turns back at Nancy)
Nancy: I mean it's just today and well what can go wrong? I say we go. What about you guys?
Joey:(smiling) I'll go if you all go (hugs Karen but Karen loosens up)
Karen:(not to sure) Fine I'll go
Brisy:(smiling) I guess I'll go
Nancy:(turns to Lizeths and Blake) What about you guys?
Lizeth:(frowning) If it's illegal then I'm not gonna do it
Blake:(serious) I don't want to go
Nancy:(frowns) Why?
Blake:(looking at Nancy and then given her a look as in that he wanted to talk alone to her so Nancy and him walk to the kitchen) Umm..
Nancy:(serious) Why did you call me over here?
Blake:(nervous) It's cuz I don't want to go cuz I don't want you to be with Hunter...
Nancy:(getting impatient) You mean you don't want me to go with other boys
Blake:(opening his eyes wide) No! I didn't mean it that way ... I men's I don't want to you to be hanging out a lot with other guys like(hold Nancy's hands) I love you and I want you to go out with me by ourselves
Nancy:(let's go of Blakes hand) Ican talk to whoever I want to ok?
Blake:(getting a little mad) Yes! But that doesn't mean your also gonna start flirting them!
Nancy:(getting mad) What?! I Donny flirt with other guys I just joke and play around! I can talk to anyone I want to! Not just you! Do u tell you not to talk to other girls?! No! So I don't what you to do so to me ok?!
Blake:(mad) Why!? So that you can be over there flirting with some other guys like a slut?!( Nancy slaps Blake on the face... He slowly touches his face from where she slapped him. red bangs the table and lifts his hand as if to hit Nancy but then quickly lowers it back down) I'm sorry...
Nancy:(feeling miserable but really mad) How dare you call me a slut! And almost HIT ME! Get it of my house!
Blake:(sad but desperate) I'm Soo sorry I didn't mean that idk why I said that (trying to give Nancy a kiss, forcefully)
Nancy:(shoves Blake away from her) NO! Stop it! I can not forgive you for what you just said to me! (Takes a deep breath) Idk if we can go on
Blake:(Runs to hugs Nancy while she hesitating) I'm so sorry please don't break up with me I'm so sorry I promise not to ever do this again to you I swear!
Nancy:(trying to hold back tears) If you did it once what guarantees me your not gonna do it a second time? (Sniffles a little) Blake...please leave
Blake:(looking Nancy in the eyes with his own watery) I'm sorry... I hope you can forgive me...(starts to walk away)
Nancy:I doubt that (Blake turns but Nancy looks the other way) I can't stand another act of jealously with you any more! (Tears tart to fall) I think we should break up
Blake:(letting a tear roll down his face also) I'm sorry (starts to continue walking)
^^watch video now! It technically based on Nancy and Hunter.....And get ready for the next chapter.. Things get weird and shocking^^

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