New Recruit

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'New recruit?' I thought with the same confused look on my face as everyone in the room. "New recruit?" Nogla asked. Vanoss nodded and gestured towards me, "Yes, our new recruit! And it's rude if we don't all introduce ourselves." He explains. Nogla shrugged. Ohm rolled his eyes, grabbing the apple from Bryce when he was  distracted and took a bite, "Hey! No fair." Bryce complained and laughed when Ohm took a bite. Ohm raised an eyebrow, "Indirect kiss." Bryce said and Ohm laughed also along with the other two weirdos in the room. I silently slipped out of my seat as everyone was laughing, and made a break for the door. As soon as I got there the door swung open and there stood the two people working the control panel, "We have arrived, bitches!" The one wearing a white helmet with pig ears yelled. The one with the British accent giggled and everyone's attention turned towards the door. Vanoss happily greeted them and Ohm continued eating the apple while giggling with Bryce and Nogla... Was Nogla? Vanoss noticed my little escape attempt and smirked, "Aww... Now why does our new friend want to leave? I called everyone here so they could meet you new pal!" Vanoss said walking over to me. I backed away a little, but he insisted and put an arm around my shoulders. The two at the door went to go do their own thing and I was dragged back to the desk and sat down. Vanoss smiled kindly and leaned over so his head was level with mine. I tried to focus on his nose as he continued to creepily stare at me.

"Dude! You're freaking him out!" Nogla yelled. Vanoss rolled his eyes for the third time today and the door swung open once more to reveal two people, one was wearing pink headphones around his neck and the other was wearing a white porcelain mask with a poker-face drawn on. "HEY VANOSS!" The dirty blond yelled. Vanoss flinched a little and turned towards the two people with a smile, "Hey guys. Glad you could make it to our little meeting!" The blond guy spotted me and sorta sped-walked over to me with a huge grin, "Hey pal! Name's Pewds or Felix." He stuck out his hand and Vanoss pulled him back, "We will do proper introductions when everyone is here." Pewds did sort of a pouty face and walked towards Ohm and Bryce in the back. The poker-face masked kid walked over to me and stuck out his hand. I squirmed a little in my seat and he got the message before walking over to Pewds. Vanoss sighed and crouched beside my seat, "Maybe it was a bad idea to call a meeting, these get a little crazy." I didn't respond in any way and tapped my fingers on the desk. Vanoss noticed my nervousness and put a hand atop mine. I glanced at him for only a moment and immediately turned away, "Hey, don't worry about it. These guys are like my best friends. You'll love them!" He said excitedly.

There was the sound of a picture being taken and a soft swear before we both looked up and saw Nogla trying to put away his phone, and not act suspicious. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Vanoss raise an eyebrow and shake his head. The door opened again to reveal four more people. One had curly hair and was wearing a strange colored tank-top, another was wearing what seemed to be make-shift Terminator glasses, the third had black hair tied back in a pony-tail, and the last looked the oldest out of all of them. "Hey guys! Alright!" Vanoss yelled and all of them giggled, Vanoss smiled and gestured towards me, "Here! I have a new friend to introduce! His name is Delirious and he doesn't speak! So everyone, treat him well." Nogla was the first to get up and walk over to me, "Hey there, I'm Nogla, or David, whichever you prefer... I guess I like potatoes." he stuck his hand out and I awkwardly shook it. Next was Pewds and the poker-face guy followed him. Eagerly, Pewds stuck out his hand and quickly said, "Hi! I'm Pewdiepie, or Pewds, or Felix, whatever works for you! This is my friend Cry!" Pewds grabbed Cry's arm and made him stick out his hand for me to shake. Again, I awkwardly shook both their hands and up next came the two that were working on the panel. The one with the British accent went first, "Hi! I'm Mini Ladd, you can call me Mini or Craig." I smiled and the pig helmet went next, "I'm Wildcat, or Tyler." I nodded and they both walked away. Ohm and Bryce walked up next, "I'm Bryce, and this is Ohm. Sorry about our little bicker earlier. Ohm doesn't know manners." Bryce shot Ohm a death glare, but all the bunny-man did was giggle, "You're adorable when you're mad." I saw a small pink spread across Bryce's face before he covered it and walked away. Ohm turned to look at me and uncovered one of his eyes to wink at me, before following Bryce. Next up was a black guy wearing what looked like a Finn hat and stuck out his hand, "Hi, I'm Basically or Marcel." I awkwardly shook his hand and he nodded before walking back to the group. The colored tank-top and Terminator glasses walked up to me next, "Hi, I'm Terroriser, or Brian. I prefer Brian if you don't mind." He said while sticking out his hand. I nod and shake it, "I'm Moo, or Brock. I don't really care." Moo said while turning and walking back. I nod and Brian smiled before turning and following him. The guy with the pony-tail walked up and stuck out his hand, "I'm Lui." I shook it and he turned to walk away. The oldest looking guy walked up to me with a smile, "I'm SeaNanners. Or Nanners. Or Adam. Nice to meet you!" He said with the most friendliest smiles you ever saw. He then spun on his heel and walked away.

Vanoss then stepped in my view and smiled at me, "So, you met everyone. If you don't mind, what do you say about meeting us after school? By the gate at least?" I blinked a couple times, "I'll give you until school ends." Just then the bell rang and the whole group dispersed. I blinked a couple more times, processing what the actual hell just happened. 'Did I just make a whole group of friends on my first day of high school?' I smiled slightly and stood up from the seat that I was sitting in for so long. I stretched my legs and grabbed my bag that was placed next to my chair. 'Maybe it won't be so bad of a year after all.' I thought with a smile and headed out the door everyone single filed out of.

On my way out I spotted papers taped to the wall and found my name rather quickly, with a room number next to it, 'Guess that's my homeroom.' I thought and headed in what I thought was the correct direction.

It took me about ten minutes before finally finding my way through the maze of this school and walking really late into the classroom. The teacher paused her speech, probably about how learning was important, and a few rules of the school. She rose an eyebrow, probably because of the mask and nodded towards an empty seat. I ducked my head as I did the walk of shame over to it. I felt the many stares of the children as I passed them, and slowly seated myself in the empty seat I was directed to, luckily in the back of the class. The teacher resumed her speech and I sighed slightly out of relief and glanced at the two people sitting beside me. Surprisingly, one of them was Pewds and a few seats to my left was Mini. I sighed once more and let a little smile spread across my lips as a paper landed on my desk. Confused as I was not listening to the teacher, I turned the paper over to reveal a schedule. I spotted my real name at the top and immediately grabbed a pen and spent a few moments to scratch it out. Contempt with my work, it was quickly snatched away to my right as Pewds began reading over it. 

"Sweet! We have English together!" I heard a plop next to me and looked to my right to see Mini sat himself in the seat next to me, "Hey douches." He greets. Pewds started waving my schedule around gloating, "Me and Delirious have English together!" Over and over. Mini rolled his eyes and leaned over me to snatch the schedule away from Pewds. he quickly read over it and smiled, "Yeah, well we have math and art together." Mini gloats back. "What!?" Pewds screeched, earning a few looks. He grabbed my schedule and Mini's before yelling, "This is an outrage! I want a refund!" Mini giggled, "Well, maybe you should have taken Art instead of that photo shop class." Pewds scoffed and gave me and Mini back our schedules. I sighed and the bell rang for us to go to our first periods. "Have fun in English princesses." Mini laughed and headed out the door. Pewds puffed out his chest, "Maybe we will!" Then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my first period.

'Well at least this time I won't be late...'


Uhh.... I have no idea where I am going with this. Sorry for all the long introductions when it came to meeting Delirious. Uh... I will add more people later, if you guys have any ship suggestions I'm all ears. Thankies!


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