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Warning there is kind of just the tiniest bit of bashing on Percabeth in my own opinion.

Percy is not dumb he's not Idiot, his brain is not full seaweed, he didn't have a happy childhood, he is not an idiot, he is not dumb.

It's been many of times when Percy sees stuff that Annabeth doesn't,

Calling him an idiot, Dumb, can't do things right, brain full of kelp and seaweed do you really think that will help? Percy already think so low of himself do you really have to help add to that camp Half-Blood?

Percy notice stuff that even a child of Athena haven't observed, like in Medusa's Garden, he stepped out of a full-blown charm that Medusa pulled out on HIM (We all know that Medusa want him to most in her 'garden'), he snapped out of the trance at Lotus cancino before Annabeth did. And many more just in the first book.

Now some people think Percy has the most warm childhood compared to other demigods and I'm not saying that's wrong, Jason grew up with Romans and wolves ,Hazel grow up with just one friend and crazy mother and don't get me started with Annabeth, Luke and Taila, and little Leo that we LOVE.

But Nico grew up with his sister and mother (remember he was brought in to the hotel after his mother died) Jason he grew up with Camp Jupiter it might not have not been the best but still someone, Annabeth had Luke and Camp Half-Blood, Frank grew up with his grandma and his mother, Hazel had Sammy,

Percy, he did grow up with his wonderful mother, but as we all know Sally worked day in and day out there must have been a very limited time they saw each other and when they did there was still Gabe.

Percy was ALONE with when he wasn't at school getting bullied,

We Know Percy has been hit by Gabe and from the first book in chapter 3, so Pecry all in all didn't have the happiest childhood.

What bugs me the most people normally look down on Percy. Annabeth called him stupid seaweed brain, idot kelp head, but there has been times that Percy notice things that Annabeth has Not. (I have said that before just restating)

Percy thinks of things THAT work it might be dumb ideas to smart people (annabeth) but they are Brave ones, they Work and they Saved their lives Handfuls of times.

He might not know the history of Greek, but he can easily notice the weakness points, how do you think it feels to be called dumb everyday day by the people he loves.

(This is why my stories are Not Percabeth, it not that I don't like the ship it's just he's always put down to be the dumbest person on earth when he's with Annabeth)

And with the hole Nico thing, 'what do you mean I'm not your time I'm at everyone type' is just plain old b******* you can't be called a Percy Jackson full fan if you think Percy will acted like that. It was kind of funny but come on...... look at the pic up, I'm not the only one

And those jokes when Percy can't spell right and everyone thinks it's funny, seriously I think Percy has bad -even for a demigod- dyslexia kind of like how Leo has more ADHD then normal demigod.

Then you're just as dumb as your father jokes seriously just because he's son of Poseidon means he dumb, I don't even get that the sea means freedom, Can't Be Tamed, powerful, it does not mean dumb, idiot, non observant,  doesn't do things, right, clumsy.

But I don't mean Percy not clumsy, y'all know that Percy is not the best dancer, but we do all know Percy is one of the best sword fighters,

And with all the Annabeth can kick percy butt are not true. I'm not saying that Annabeth not a good warrior or anything. I do think she can hold her dagger  and do some serious damage, but Percy will win at the end if he was trying, do you really think Percy will try to hurt Annie even if it's a simple spar. He'll probably try his best not to get even a scratch on her and then there's Annabeth that will stab him with a dagger.

And I think Percy would have a good sing voice. Just throwing it out there.

Okay I think that's enough about Percy (that's a lie there's never enough if it comes Percy)

Okay okay I think I'm done, I'm done, thank you for clicking and reading me ranting about stuff that I don't really like.

Pls tell me if you think the same.

Pls DO NOT yell at me for saying what I think of Percabeth, because I DO like the ship, just not that much.


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