That girl

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Red sky's and blue bricks,Don't get upset when she stains the blunt with her lipstick. Her veins are filled with lyrics she relates to. Her mouth is filled with words she never got to use. Empty stomach but she's full. Her eyes droopy,heavy and dull. Her laugh floats through your room and trust me you'll remember it. You'll remember it when it's the last thing you want to remember.  Chilly winds and rainy days and it's September. Lord knows she feels  empty,so did they but they won't help her.

Colorless grass and green paintings. She grew up too fast and lost her patience. You can't break something that's already broken so why is she still hurting? She counts on other people to make her happy and ends up hating herself more in the morning. They all regret putting their all into a girl who can't even remember the taste of respect. The smell of her conditioner will float through the room and trust me everyone will remember it.

The rain took what she thought it wasn't capable of taking,now she's left with too little and a smile she's been faking. Most her friends swam with the waves while she swam against the current. Now their society's slaves. would they still have swam along if they knew all they would become servants?

Sandy waves and clear sand,her eyes and hands are oceans and she only trustes certain people to wipe or hold them. Why'd you guys have to swim with the waves when the current wasn't even that strong? You knew she didn't want to swim alone and needed yall and for that you guys are wrong.

Mother Afro cloud stopped singing her lullabys and he stopped rapping his songs. He stopped showing her his photography and she stopped admitting her wrongs.

But her lipstick stained all his blunts while her poetry still stains her heart and her laugh still echoes in his room and no one will deal with their attitude like she did.

when she gets out of the current and they get tired of being a servant and and tired of swimming in the waves they'll try to reach out to her,but she can't do anything because she's already on land.

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