His Smile Dropped

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Chapter Five

Riker's POV

Before they knew it October became November, the leaves began to fall off the tree branches, and the air became cooler.

And still no Rydel.

Rocky celebrated his 19th birthday, and Riker his 22nd. He wished for his baby sister to wake up. So far, his wish hadn't come true.

Next thing they knew, it was Thanksgiving. It was hard to be in the spirit of the holiday without the one person who brought the most cheer.

Their mom made the turkey alone that year. The spot in the kitchen where Rydel normally stood was empty. It wasn't right.

They still had a big family dinner to celebrate. The table was set up with fancy plates and homemade centre pieces from elementary school art projects.

They set out nine spots that year, including one for Rydel. It gave them comfort knowing that she wasn't forgotten.

He had invited his new girlfriend over for dinner. He knew how hard it would be celebrating without Rydel, so he invited her along for moral support.

Her name was Jessa. She had long, beautiful brown hair and deep blue eyes. She was one of the most caring people he had ever met.

Since he met her a month before, she had been extremely supportive of him. She was his shoulder to cry on when times got rough. When he missed Rydel, all he had to do was pull out his phone. She was always just a call away.

Rocky also invited his girlfriend, Geena.

She was the same way for Rocky; a support for him to lean on during the past few months.

They had invited Ellington and his parents over for dinner as well, but they had declined.

Ratliff hadn't left his room in weeks. He was heartbroken.

So together, with what was left of their traditional Thanksgiving, they sat, around the table and held hands.

"Thank you for keeping us all warm and safe. Thank you for keeping a watch over Ellington as he continues to get better, and thank you for bringing us all together. We ask you to keep Rydel fighting so she can come back to us. Amen"

Their father, sitting at the head of the table, finished their prayer with a smile on his face.

Just then, the phone rang. He excused himself, and walked to the phone.

Almost immediately, his smile dropped. And in that moment, Riker knew exactly what it was.

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