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(this is gonna be a short first chapter  just to put something out there for now. )

Why do I even bother, to be completely serious  I'd don't even know the answer to that question now,  I mean, I've been though this life more times then I could even remember, I'm probably a thousand years old or something. The days are always the same, from start to finish. My loop always starts at 12am on new years,  and it ends on 11:59pm one New Years eve. I know because that one minute. That one minute...That itsy, bitsy moment know time, that very small and insignificant moment is that only moment in time in which I'm free from the loop.

Now I know some asshole out there is thinking "how do you know it's that minute?" or "how can you tell?", well you know what I say to you? Fuck You. You don't think I know what it feels like to be free from this goddamned hell?! I spend my entire year in a loop,  doing as I'm told by fate and the universe, you don't think I can tell what it feels like to be set free for a second? I get this rushing feeling, and it feels like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, it feels like my head has been held underwater for an hour and someone finally decided to help be up, it feels amazing! Like my whole body is in fire. 

It feels so amazing, but it ends before it even starts, I don't even know what to do with it.  I mean..who even know what the fuck to do in a minute? Like what I'm supposed to do? Walk across the room? I can't even make it out the door in a minute, I know you expected to say something exciting like "oh my gosh,  it's so awesome! I feel like I can change the world,  I grab a female by the shoulders and kiss her,  if  I use that minute wisely I might break the Loop! I try every time! This time might just be the time!"

Yeah,.......No. that I'm nothing like that, firstly I'm way to socially awkward to grab a woman like that,  I'm all about consent as well, plus no one even does that,  this isn't movie. I can't change the world in a minute, and the only way I'm getting out that door is if I run, HA! My life might be an endless cycle but I'm not about to exercise just to go outside before getting pulled the Loop

But even though, I live for that moment, my favourite moment in time,  it was amazing, just the feeling of being free,  I love it.  It's what I wait for, you might count down the seconds till the New Year, I count down the seconds to a new loop cycle. I sit 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Boom.  A whole New Year,  but the same in a weird sense.

My year always starts the same,  I get the urge to stand, and I do, and from then on out,  I go on autopilot. I go into the kitchen. Pick up my charging phone, I call my mom,  we have the same boring conversation, I hang up,  have a drink,  grab a slice of cake (really amazing cake,  don't judge me), and then go into my room before passing out. I wake up the next day and get dressed before going outside (Woahhhh!! Surprise, I know!) and get going with my day. There is always a really car crash off the way from me, which happened to be the most exciting of the entire year.  I know that sounds bad but it really is.

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