Hi Davey

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"That's good. Has she throw up or complained about any new symptoms?" David asked.

"Her food has stayed down and she hasn't told me anything about new symptoms. I just put her down for a quick nap until you get here." Daddy told David.

"Okay. I just have 2 more papers to do and then I'll be over there." He said, checking his desk to make that was all he had left.

"Okay. Thanks again, Dave."

"No problem. See you guys soon."

"Okay. See ya." Daddy said before hanging up the phone. He looked down at BabyGirl who was fast asleep and it didn't look like she planned on getting up again soon. He put the phone back in its holder before making himself a chicken sandwich. After he ate he made BabyGirl one and went back to the living room to give it to her.

"Sweetie... Wake up.." He said, lightly shaking her. She rolled over and looked at him with half-lidded eyes.

"I made you a sandwich. Do you wanna try and eat it?" He asked her, not wanting her to eat and then end up throwing it back up because she didn't feel good. She nodded, sitting up slowly, realizing her whole body ached. He set the plate in her lap after she got situated. He took her paci out, which she had forgotten about, and put it in his pocket.

She took a bite of the sandwich and ate it. She then promptly scarfed it down and smiled.

"It wa' really good Daddy!" She said, smiling. Daddy returned the smile.

"That's good! Does your stomach still feel okay?" He asked. She nodded.

"Uh huh! Can sleep little longer? Still tired..." She asked. Daddy smiled and nodded his head.

"Sure, Sweetie. I'll wake you up when David gets here, okay?" He told her.

"Okay.." She said before falling back into slumper. Daddy got up and took her plate and put it in the sink in the kitchen. He quietly cleaned the dishes and put them on a rack to dry. About ten minutes later there was a knock at the door and Daddy went to answer it.

"Hey, Dave." Daddy greeted, opening the front door and smiling when he saw him.

"Hey, Jas. How is she feeling?" David asked, walking in with an over the shoulder bag filled with some medicine, prescription pad, band aids, first aid kit, gloves, and all the other basic medical supplies. Jas sighed.

"Good, for now. I gave her a chicken sandwich not too long ago so she has something on her stomach. I haven't -" Daddy was telling Dave before he heard the sound of the fast paced pitter-patter of feet and the all too obvious sound of stomach contents being expelled into the toilet. Daddy and David both rushed to the bathroom.

"Aw, Sweetie.." Daddy said while kneeling down next to her. He then moved her hair out of the way and secured it in a ponytail with a stray rubber band he found on the bathroom counter. BabyGirl waited until he was done to lift her head up and look at Dave.

"Hi, Davey." BabyGirl said, weakly smiling and wiping her chin and mouth with the back of her sleeve. He gave a somewhat sad smile back. Daddy picked her up and carried her back to the living room couch where he gently set her back down and helped prop her up.

"I thought you said you're stomach was feeling good when you ate, Sweetie?" He asked her. She nodded.

"It was Daddy.. Bu' then all sudden it no felt good no mor'..." She explained, resting an arm over her stomach.

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