Chapter 1: You reap what you sow

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The girl strode through the countryside silent as the night following behind. Away from the dull rays of the sunset, she set on planning the quick dispatch of the pirate inside the small house at the end of the beaten track.

Looking around she pondered what exactly could have made the bastard come back here. The grass was sundry and the only trace of the livestock that had once occupied it were the fallen carcasses of cows and horses, with a rope still tied around their white-bone spine.

She knew his story well, hell, the nights she had wasted extorting much of the useless information to locate the guy had painted the bloody picture whole. Johnny Quelch had once lived in this decrepit farm, with his wife and two daughters, who he took the liberty to kill the night he came back, drunk and deluded with the prospect of becoming part of a pirate crew passing through the island. A terrible one at that.

Apparently it was a test, in which you had to show how much you were willing to sacrifice to go sailing the 5 seas with them. Quelch passed it, and over the years he grew to become the captain of his own group of killers, the Dark Fang Pirates. They liked to kill, pillage and rape and had quickly come to the attention of the World Government, landing 50,000,000 Beri on his head.

But never mind the bounty. No, she wasn't that interested in it. Of course, the money was good to make a living, but her objective tonight was to bring an end to the suffering this monster had inspired upon de world. She was no hero, not someone who judged the right from the wrong, but she knew that monsters like those shouldn't be left unperturbed.

The dust settled around her boots as she stood in front of the door. The pirate had come alone, why, she still hadn't been able to figure out but it was the perfect opportunity. So with one hand on the knob and another on the knife at her hip, she opened the door.

The pirate didn't even have time to contemplate what got him. With his back curved, fallen on his knees, he didn't see the subtle movements that she did when grabbing a second knife from her belt. Nor did he feel the brush of her cape, like Death's kiss just as she crouched, blades criss-crossed to take his neck. He didn't hear the sharp intake of breath as she realised that he was crying over a pair of tiny skulls, cradled in the mess of bones that rabid animals had left.

The realisation dawned on her, that in that private moment of repentance, the pirate bared what was left of his soul. It was the clean cut of sharpened blades that he felt, seconds before the world went black, cradling his neck and taking his life.

Her job was over, perfectly executed if not for the thin line the gurgle of blood left on her cape, and the poodle forming beneath the bones of the innocents.

She frowned. Maybe if the pirate had paused to think, the second before he struck his family, or when he killed someone of each village they invaded, maybe if he had handed himself over to the Marines, or let go of the weapon before killing his wife, this killing could have been avoided. But she knew, all too well that you cannot erase your decisions and run away from the actions of the past. You have to learn to live with them, or be imprisoned by the memories forever.

It was with those heavy thoughts and a rusty shovel that she set on burying the bones and the body of the family, hoping that at least they could be together in their death. The head as always, creeped her out. Even after the many hunts she had been through. So she set on covering it with a thick fabric she found half eaten by moth on the cottage.

She set back on foot to reach the ship that awaited for her to leave once and for all that sad island in the East Blue, headed to the Marine Base in charge of this sea.


She set foot on the paved pristine pavilion of the Marines, feeling her heavy conscience lift a little. As she waited to talk to the one in charge, she observed the training exercise of the recruits, the rhythmic sound of steel against steel and the attacking shouts sounding almost like a war song.

"P-pirate hunter Kaira! The Captain is ready to see you." An officer with the standard Marine cap shouted as a greeting, splitting a salute with trembling hands.

"Ha." Kaira gave a dry laugh. Even the Marines were now afraid of her. Although she shouldn't really count his reaction, being that she carried a red sack that suspiciously looked like it had once been dirty beige.

As she was guided into the base, she pondered how exactly she became a feared character. Surely, people didn't expect flowers and honeyed words coming out of someone in her line of work, although the... effectiveness she had when collecting the bounties was criticised quite often. Surely, at the age of 20, with her flush raven hair and deep violet eyes she could have passed as a normal girl, pretty even, when she didn't have a cut or a bruise adorning her face.

But the truth was that almost all the Pirates she hunted she killed, simple as that. And maybe, those judgmental people who never had to dirty their hands, didn't have the right to judge her.

She had learned through harshness since her early age that you had to do everything you could to survive, what included, well, killing. This had earned her the nickname of Heartless Assassin, although Kaira didn't kill in cold blood. It was only that after getting used to it, the sting of guilt didn't hurt as much.

Which was a good thing, she concluded with a tilt of her head. A gesture that scared the officer even more, who was caught looking at Kaira in mid-thought. It meant that for now, she could hold on to her sanity using the pain of the sting.

The two came to a halt in front of a set of thick wood doors, the officer shuffling away, not even bothering to open the door.

"Tch, some manners."

Proceeding, she opened the door, not bothering to wait for an invitation or protest, and unceremoniously let the bloody head drop on the floor a few paces away from the table where the Captain sat behind.

Slowly, an evil grin rose the cheeks of the Captain, twitching his whiskers up to the rim of his cap, which was adorned with tiny grey mouse ears Kaira instantly concluded that she did not like the guy. Lacing his fingers on the table, the man didn't see bothered to come and see the neck upon the bounty had been placed, and instead set to examine her.

"Well, well, if it isn't our beloved assassin. I must say," He inclined his head in disdain. "I had heard a lot of your skills, but never really seen them first hand. Ha! By Mariejois! It took you only ten days to complete the request."

She flinched with the widening of his grin, wishing that the skin holding it would split from the excess of falsity hidden behind his words. The flattering tone couldn't be disgusting enough, the Captain spitting the excited words out of his relaxed slumped form on his chair.

"Tch." That called the attention of the commander, caught in mid-sentence with his mouth open and narrowing eyes. " Why don't we just cut to the chase, Captain, just give me my 50 million Beri. That may save you from biting your tongue while handling useless compliments."

With an astonished face, the cunningness of the commander slowly returned as Kaira observed, sensing that something was not right there.

"Chichichichichi, pirate hunter, we don't need to rush, do we? And forgive me, I didn't even introduce myself! Commander Nezumi, pleased to meet you."

She didn't answer, the feeling of wrongness sinking deeper and deeper on her bones.

"Oh please, no need to be shy! After all we will be working together very soon." He snickered, Kaira shivered involuntarily.

"What do you mean?" She asked with a cautious tone.

"Well, we have a job for you. But no need to get along the details." He slowly adjusted his posture, leaning on his elbows and setting his chin on his hands. No more relaxed, but almost like... in a winning stance. The grin plastered on his face, and a promise exited his evil lips. "You will get to know them very soon."

A black sack was shoved over her head, her hands locked behind her with handcuffs, with hands firmly clasping her shoulders, ignoring the lack of response from her and taking her away.

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