Chapter 7: Running away

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Kaira eyed him cautiously. After all, they were alone now. Anything could happen. Maybe the collection of a certain bounty could be under way. But no, Kaira shook herself out. Even if she had an open opportunity there was no justification for her to attack him. After all, it would only complicate things if she got to Wano with her ride dead.

"I was annoyed with all the noise your crew was making down there."

She licked her lips, and with much effort, managed to switch from staring at those deep silver pools to the opened page of her book.

"I prefer the company of books. They are less likely to annoy you."

Law remained impassive for a few moments. His thoughts completely hidden behind his facade. But one thing was for sure: he was also being cautious. Otherwise she would have seen the trades-mark devilish smile that sported his Bounty poster.

"You were sleeping." He stated in a rather obvious declaration.

"Yes, I suppose that's what happens when someone who hasn't slept for days finds a calm place to stay." Though only temporary. Even the cozy library couldn't protect her from the rest of the world.

"Do you have insomnia?"

That shocked Kaira, to say the least. Maybe she would have to reconstruct the profile she had of him. Not only he hadn't thrown her out of his place yet, but was also actually listening to her small retorts. At that, she softened a little bit, and decided that admitting to her problems wouldn't be the end of the world.

"Sometimes, I have some episodes from month to month."

"Uhm, I could give you some medicine if you'd like." He replied in a shrug, still looking intently at her. "For the nightmares as well."

At that her chin dropped open, probably just missing the ground. Could she have been completely off her mark when she had judged the pirate's personality? Hadn't he been the man who had cut out a hundred hearts just to follow his schemes?

"Shouldn't you be suspicious of me or something?" Her voice was out of her mouth before she could stop it. She was shocked by his words, since she wasn't used to anyone being nice to her. "I mean like, didn't Zoro tell you I was dangerous or something like that?"

At that he smirked, seeming amused at her outburst. Carefully walking around the open area, he took out another book from the shelf and began to leaf through.

"I'm a doctor, pirate hunter." He said, with his eyes now focused on the letters. "Besides its not like you would even be able to touch me."

That made Kaira frown. Did she seem that weak? Surely that must not be it. Hell, she had beaten her fair share of high-bounty pirates. She wasn't really the most successful in the business, but still pirates would have talked about her, and the talk would have reached Trafalgar Law's ears.

Turning a page of his book, Law kept his devious smile. It looked almost conspiratory, as if he knew how easy it had been for him to instigate some inquietudes in her heart.

She soon realised he was trying to rile her up, asking simple questions, telling mild insults (Kaira was quite proud of her strength), distracting her from the panicked memories that had woken her up. She smirked back.

"You know, for all that talk I would really like to fight with you one day." She said, the hidden truth ringing clear on her words. "Then I could shut your mouth once and for all."

At that he just harrumphed, seeming satisfied to get what he wanted, and proceeded to rest on the less used armchair. After a while, he decided to speak again.

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