Chapter 2

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There was silence. The deer had disappeared into the night, and throughout the grass, wreckage of the family's car lay scattered.

Not far away, Pete's book was laying on the ground, his backpack nearby, still unzipped.

Then there was a cough, and Kevin stumbled to his feet, looking around wildly. "Mom? Dad?" he called groggily, his head still swimming from the impact. "PETE?"

"Kevin?" Pete's voice answered, and Kevin whipped around towards the bushes. Running over, he reached in, and pulled his brother out and onto his feet. "Are you ok?" he asked worriedly, pulling twigs and brushing leaves out of Pete's hair.

"I-I'm ok," Pete said shakily, staying very still - a sign of just how much shock he was in. "Where's Mama?" he asked quietly.

Kevin swallowed, looking around, eyes seeking a familiar face. One that would smile, and say everything will be alright. But no one came. "Maybe she's in the car still," Kevin said, trying to keep their hopes up. "Get your things. I'll go and see."

Pete nodded, and went to retrieve the storybook and his backpack, while Kevin approached the flipped vehicle, smoke still streaming from its engine. The windshields were shattered, but it was hard to see anything in the dark.

Kevin wiped his nose with a sniff, his vision blurring. He wasn't about to give up. "Mom?" he called again, kneeling down by one of the crumpled doors. He blinked, brightening when he at last saw the face of his mother. She hung upside down from her seat, her eyes closed.

"Come on, Mom. Wake up," Kevin said, reaching in to shake her gently. "Please wake up. It's dark and it's scary. We need you."

There was no response. A cold feeling crept it's way into Kevin, and his eyes watered. "Mom?" he asked again, a tear welling up in his eye. "Mama? Please..."

Only quiet answered his plea. The tears that had begun now flowed down Kevin's face. He knew something bad had happened. Their mother would not wake up.

They were all alone.

A howl suddenly sounded eerily through the air, and Kevin rushed to his feet, almost tripping over himself. Pete was several feet away, clutching the book to his chest with one hand, and holding his backpack with the other. Behind him, in the bushes, a pair of eyes gleamed. Then another, and another...

"Pete," Kevin croaked, trying to sound calm. "Walk toward me, please? We need to get out of here."

Pete looked at him with wide, uncertain eyes, but he listened and took a few steps. Unfortunately, he noticed the intent gaze his brother had, focused on something behind him, and out of curiosity, he turned around. A snarl sounded from the bushes, and the leaves rustled, as a canine muzzle emerged from within...

Kevin did not wait for the wolf. He grabbed Pete's backpack , and taking his hand they fled blindly into the trees. Around them, more howls and barks broke out among the foliage, as the wolves trailed them through the forest.

Eventually, the brothers stopped in another clearing. They could run no more, and they watched fearfully as the wolves surrounded them. Kevin held Pete close to him, determined that they would not get to him.


Suddenly, the trees shook, as a deep sound reverberated throughout the forest. The sound startled Kevin, and he looked around warily.


The wolves hesitated as it happened again. Their nostrils flared as they sniffed the air, growling.

Pete burrowed his face into Kevin's stomach, hugging him tight. "Kevin, what's going on?"


Something Wild --- A "Pete's Dragon" FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now