Phantoms Words of Dawn and Dusk

161 7 47

So this is a poetry book. I honestly don't favor my poetry, but I have been encouraged to start this, so why not? Feel free to be a critic, I don't mind.

Anyway, here goes nothing!


All rights are reserved. Any and all creations in this book belong to @HushDarling and no other. Any violation of this copyright can be reviewed under the court of law.


Before I start this book, I want to thank a few people.

@SecurlarlySacred Thank you so much for encouraging me to start this. You were the last straw to help me.

@WolfSilhouettes Thank you for being you, because you're amazing. Absolutely amazing.

And saving the best for last, @ToxicCuriosity You are my best friend and my sister. You've been trying to get me to do one of these for a long time, I hope I don't disappoint you.

(P.S. If this is bad, they're to blame. Muahaha. )

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