Part 39

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Which Clan would you rather be in? (These are totally made up, but people have probably used them before :3 )

DesertClan - A Clan that lives in the shade of a large temple in the desert. There's a near by oasis for drinking, they all have short fur so they can cope with the heat, and they hunt anything that lives in the sand! However, the oasis dries out in summer, and many cats dehydrate if they don't find water. = Sand 

JungleClan - This Clan lives in the deepest depths of the mysterious Jungle. This territory has never been discovered by twolegs, and the cats are left alone by the tribes that used to live near them. The only danger of this territory is the dangerous animals, The cats often have to face animals like Tigers and large Gorillas. They have strong muscles and are usually very large, except for runts, which helps them protect themselves. They also have short fur, to help them stay swift and agile. - Leaf

OceanClan - Guess what? These cats can breathe underwater for very long periods of time! When they need air StarClan granted them a small rocky den underwater, which is split into different sections for different cats. These cats hunt fish, and have long fur to help them improve their swimming skills. However, sometimes they're faced by sharks, and these attacks can kill many cats, leaving the Clan devastated for many moons, before the kits come. = Wave

BlizzardClan - These cats live in the coldest snow, where twolegs have never explored before. Most cats are light grey or white, to help them camouflage in the snow while they hunt. They have long fur to protect them from the harshness of the snow. HOWEVER (xD) these cats are often hunted by Wolves, and they have been forced to move camp many times. Some live high up in the mountains, and often playful kits end up dying when they hit their heads on the rocks. They live in small dens made of ice, and tunnel deep to help them stay warm at night when the temperatures drop. = Snow

Would you rather have long fur that stays wet for ages after you get soaked, or short fur which doesn't keep you warm in the winter?

Long fur - Pool

Short fur - Storm

What did you get? I got Leafpool (XDD) By the way, I had so much fun writing about those Clans, just if you wanted to know x3 

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