Chapter 74

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(Your Pov)

Someone sat in front of me and I was confused

"Hey.. Y/n.. been along time.." he said

".." I was to pissed to talk

"What.. no.. Hey James!" He said

"Sorry.. James I'm not in the mood..." I mumbled

"I can tell.. I remember.. when we use to get into alot of fights.. but it always ended up.. just you and me Making it up to each other.." he said

"Same.." I sighed "life was better when.. I wasn't aware of my brother.." I said

"Oh.. Adam?.. how is he.. I noticed his content is getting bad.." he said..

"Really.. can't wait till I'm gone for a week.." I said

"Where you going" he asked

"My parents and I are going.. to Canada.. for a week.. they think it will do me some good.. less.. stressful.." I said

"Stressful? Whats wrong?" He said

"James.." I stopped talking becuase I saw Max walking with Ross..

"Hum?" James hummed then turned around I just signed and put my head down..

"Wanna go? We can go to the park.." James said I just nodded

We stud up and walked out the door that was behind me..

"So.. whats up with the Guy you were looking at?" He asked

"N-nothing.. it's just I can't face him right now.." I said

We got to the park

"Why?" James asked

"Because.. My Brother wants.. but doesn't want to saying.. but he wants me to Brake up with him Just because he's one of Adams friends.." I said

*New Text Message*

Max: Hey... Y/n we need to talk..

"Who is texting you?" James asked

"It's nothing right now.."

-Few hours later-

"I- I better get back home.. it was Nice talking to you Again James.." I said

"Yea.. hey.. um can we hang out again sometime.. again?" He asked

"Yea.. maybe.." I said then Started walking home

-At Adam's house-

I got to the front step.. and Adam opened the door.. oh.. I walk In and there is Alesa and Mason

"How was that walk?" Adam asked in a little rude tone in his voice

"I-it was fine..?" I said

"You are not in a go-" Alesa said before I almost fainted

"Y/n! Are you okay" Adam said

"J-just a little bit sleepy.. that's all" I said

Then Adam pick me up and cared me to bed and put a blanket over me.. and I fell right to sleep

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