1; One Faithful Night

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I paced around backstage, worried about tonight. I can't let the fans, like Izzy, down and show them that I'm nervous. Once I hit those curtains, I'm Bayley, a strong, confident underdog. Right now, I'm Pamela, and Pamela has fear. Fear that she will fail, but Bayley makes Pamela stronger. So I thank my alter ego for that. I sat on one of the crates, not paying attention to who I sat next to.

"Calm down, Pam. Either way, NXT will have a great NXT Women's Champion." I recognized the accent and saw Asuka.

"Thanks Asuka." I smiled weakly.

"No problem Pam." She embraced in a hug.

She let go, and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Have fun tonight, ok?"

"Ok." I smiled.

She hugged me one last time before walking off with Johnny Gargano.

I hopped down from crates and started walking, not knowing where I was going, I just wanted to walk. I saw a few of my friends, such as the Revival and Liv Morgan, I politely waved, and kept walking. I walked until I came to the door that lead to the parking lot. I pushed through the door, and sat on the hood of my car. The show just started, which means I have time. Thoughts flooded my mind.

'What if you win?'

'What if you never make it to the main roster?'

And all this was said by Pamela. Bayley on the other hand, thinks totally different.

'You will win!'

'And you are the greatest women's wrestler of all time! They have to call you up!

I have to listen to Bayley. I wish Pamela could be like Bayley, I love when I'm Bayley. Time flew past like a bald eagle in the sky, because the next thing I knew, it was the match before mine. I raced down the halls, slipping past everyone. I stopped once I reached the gorilla, out of breath.

"Bayley, five minutes!" A producer yelled.

I looked towards his direction, bending down my hands on my knees, I nodded as Asuka halted to a stop next to me.

"Remember, whatever happens, one, we'll always be friends, two, NXT will have a great champion."

I smiled and nodded. I stood up as Asuka flashed me a smile, and walked out towards the ring. I stood there, anticipating what would happen next.

My theme played, and I walked out, nervous and prepared for the fight of my life.

Skip to the end of the match...

I entered the gorilla and saw the whole NXT roster standing there with 2 bouquets of flowers.

I could barely speak, I lost, but I entertained those fans, and I had fun. I inspired more people like Izzy. I mouthed thank you to everyone. They smiled and clapped. I limped over to Asuka and pulled her into a hug. She returned the hug, which made everyone clap more. I stood in front of everyone and held her hand up and pointed to her.

"I remember earlier I was so nervous going into the match, with good reason. Asuka is an amazing athlete and a even better person. She told me that either way, NXT would have a great champ of the Women's division, and they do. Asuka beat me fair and square and I want to thank her for that amazing match that I'm proud I got to take part in. So thank you Asuka, for giving me the second best NXT Takeover: Brooklyn of my life." I spoke, through tears and sweat. Sweat because it was really hot, tears of joy and sadness.

She had tears rolling down her cheeks too. She gave me a hug.

"Thanks you, Bayley." She whispered. I smiled at her statement.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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