Naliah and Koda

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Naliah: Ugh, Tyslor is such a hypocrite. At least he wasn't bothering me like those other halflings

???: Huh, I knew I'd find you, didn't think it would be this soon though

Naliah: And who might you be?

???: One of Tyslor's "friends"

Naliah: What?

*Naliah gets knocked out*


Naliah: Ugh, my head. Where am I?

*Naliah notices she is tied up*

Naliah: Agh!

???: Heh, awake are you?

Naliah: Who are you!

???: I am Torth, you met me before. I was the Wolf halfling.

Naliah: Agh! What?

Torth: Yup. I will be right back. Someone needs help fending off an unknown Wolf halfling

*Torth leaves*

Naliah: I got to get out of here. Hood thing I brought a pocket knife

*It takes her awhile, but she breaks out*

Naliah: YES!

(Female Wolf halfling): Hey, who goes there!

(Male Wolf halfling): No time! The unknown Wolf halfling is taking down our base!

(Female Wolf halfling): On his own?! Let's go!

Naliah: Yikes, that was close! Huh, maybe this will help me to escape! I will just sneak away

*Naliah walks out, and sneaks away, making a ton of noise. No one notices*

Naliah: *huff* got away. It is turning night though. Good thing Mom and Dad are on a business trip. Better stay here for the night

*In the morning*

Naliah: *yawn*  Oh, I forgot. I'm here.

???: Hello? Someone there?

Naliah: Uh oh!

???: Nononono I won't hurt you! I'm Koda. Nice to meet you.

Naliah: Oh, I'm Naliah. Nice to meet you too

Koda: I haven't seen a human for a long time. Nice to know they still exist.

Naliah: Wait...

*Naliah looks into the shadows and notices Koda's appearance*

Naliah: You are a Wolf halfling?!

Koda: Yeah, sorry to startle you

*An enraged roar is heard*

Torth: You escaped! I will get you ya little-

Koda: -Growling-

Torth: Not you again! Agh!

*Torth runs off*

Naliah: Wait, were you the one who took out his base?

Koda: Yeah, he was stealing humans. I had to stop him.

Naliah: How did you know he was stealing humans?

Koda: He talked about his plans to me all the time.

Naliah: You knew each other?

Koda: He is my brother after all. After my parents disowned me though, he pretended I never existed.

Naliah: Wow

Koda: Well, I should get going. My pack might start to worry

Naliah: Well, I should get going too. Bye

Koda: Bye!

Me: Well, that was all for now! I will try to update frequently. Even if as of now no one reads this book. If anyone starts though, you have info

Naliah: Not you again!

Koda: Who are you talking to?

Me: Bye!

Naliah: You don't see her?

Koda: See who?

Me: Hahahahaha

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