Into The Closet

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Ivan smiles, hearing the voice but not able to quite pin-point it's location. "Ooh~ Gil! Where are you~?" Ivan sings slightly as he moves in farther. Antonio chuckles a bit and smiles, the search was on.

In an attempt to stay hidden Gilbert firmly pressed his body up against the stone walls, but he end up knocking down a book, which had been left on one of the desks, onto to the floor. He scowls at the book despite the book being inanimate and curses quietly. Ivan heard the very loud sound of the book and smiles, heading to the sound's location. "Gil~?" Ivan calls as he holds tight to a lead pipe which he had a habit of carrying around.

Gilbert takes a sharp breath and bites his lower lip as he quickly but quietly slips through the door which lead into the kitchen/storage room. "Why, why are they here?" He hisses with half closed eyes as he moves behind the large table erected from the ground made of concrete. "And why HIM of all people?! Why is HE here?!" Gilbert says in a high pitched tone which is almost whiney.

Antonio follows Ivan with a confident smile. "C'mon out, you can't hide forever~!" He says as the two enter the second room, the bedroom. "Da, Come out Gilbert~" Ivan adds in a bitter sweet voice as he drags the pipe along the concrete floor. Gilbert hears the footsteps drawing ever nearer and so, in an attempt of escape he makes a break for the cracked open door that lead to the main room and, of course, freedom. "Now or never!" The self-proclaimed Prussian yells as he jumps towards the door.

Antonio dashes through the open door leading into the other room Gilbert was in. Ivan walks quickly behind Antonio. Gilbert squeals with pain and then goes silent as he had missed the door entirely, flinging it open with a hand but going face first into the walls just an inch away. His hand was outstretched and his body slowly slid to the floor as the albino man held back reflexive tears. "Whhyyyyy...." He hisses as he stays still, his body now against the cold floor.

Antonio, having just barely seen his friend hit the wall, giggled quietly as he walks over to Gilbert. "Having difficulties?" Antonio asks as Ivan walks up next to them, giggling as well. Gilbert lays there a moment, half out of embarrassment and half out of pain induced shock. He slowly closes his outstretched hand and slides it across the floor as to help himself get up.

Laughing softly Antonio helps his friend up, dragging him back further into the kitchen area and sitting him down on a chair. "What hurts?" Antonio asks as he reaches into the small freezer to grab an ice pack of some sort. Ivan sits down across from Gilbert, his pipe now laying on the table. Gilbert stares at Antonio a moment but soon points to his face. "Physically, this, all of this..." He then points to his chest, "and my pride, oooh it hurts." Gilbert keeps eye contact as Antonio turns around with an ice pack, he'd feel awkward otherwise.

Antonio chuckles at Gilbert and pats his friend's head, messing up his platinum blonde hair in the process. "You'll get over it." Antonio says, smiling at his friend. Ivan watches before gently rubbing his eyes. During this time Gilbert takes a moment to glance at the Russian but quickly snaps his gaze back to Antonio. "Sure... Sure." Gilbert responds as he rubs his face with the ice pack to try and relieve the fading pain.

Gilbert begins to mumble softly to himself as Antonio strides back over to the small freezer. "a wall, I ran into a wall. Right in front of HIM too. Mien Gott I'm such an unawesome idiot..." Gilbert mumbles as he glances towards the glassy floor, shaking his head at such thoughts.

Antonio walks back with sigh, apparently not finding what he needed. "Is the ice pack helping at all?" He asks Gilbert who was now off in space thinking about things. After a moment of silence Ivan brought Gilbert back to reality as he asked, "Something bothering you Gil?" Ivan had frowned slightly at seeing Gilbert looking so off.

Gilbert looks up, his eyes a little wider and more aware. "huh? Oh, uh, no. I-I'm fine!" Gilbert says in a quick manner, he then turns his face away and shields it with the ice pack as his face turns a bright red. Ivan tilts his head as he was a little confused but chooses not to say anything more just in case he upset the albino. Meanwhile Antonio was smirking and trying to hold back his swelling excitement as his fanboy instincts were trying to take over.

Gilbert gets up and sets the ice pack on the table, the pain still there but now it was bearable. He begins heading towards the door to the bedroom as in there was the only place he belonged, in the closet. The close space made him feel a little more calm and comfortable so it would be there that he'd retreat. "I'll uh... ahem, uh..." Gilbert was at a loss for words as he pointed towards the door while he passed Ivan.

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