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My name is Parissa Rue, 16 years old, living in Long Poe, Alabama. I am in the Long Poe High School Marching Band and I play the lovely clarinet. I am actually section leader for the clarinets and sometimes I help out the flutes. I wear glasses and my hair is usually in a bun.
My best friend is Taylynn Grotto. She is our only girl saxophone, as of now. We've been friends since beginner band, which was 6th grade at Long Poe. She just got her braces a month ago, and she is having a hard time with her saxophone.
Long Poe High School, our school colors are scarlet and yellow. Our team mascot is a wolf with really beady eyes and sharp claws, and when you look at him it makes you shiver. Long Poe is HUGE on football and the band does not get a lot of recognition. The town is yes, indeed, Long Poe, and it is partially named for the road that starts in front of the court house that goes all the way to Panama City, Florida and the other part is after Edgar Allen Poe, the great poet.

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