Chapter 1

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     "Band, Ten, Hut!" yells Mrs.Alice. I quickly get in attention so I don't get in trouble. "This is band camp, so, everyone go to your section leaders and they will show you attention, stand by, and parade rest. I will give everyone two hours! If you need help, come to me or Ollie. Go!". Mrs. Amber Alice is our band director and Ollie Slickens is our (senior) drum major.
     "Clarinets, over here!" I yell. I see 6 rookies and Elise, Robby, and Joe join me over by the outside water fountains."Alright, I would like everyone to tell me your names. My name is Parissa Rue and I am in 11th grade, so this is my 5th year in actual marching band. I am your section leader for this year." I say look at the 9 clarinet players surrounding me, giving them an encouraging smile. I see that 4 of the rookies are girls and the other 2 are boys. "Veterans, why don't you go first?" I ask Elise, Robby, and Joe.
     "My name is Robby Smithers, and I've been in band for 5 years, 11th grader, but I've only been at this school since I was in 8th grade." Robby finished with a smirk and flipping his black hair to the side. "My name is Joe Reed, this is my 2nd year in band. I'm an 8th grader, and what that means is, I was in y'alls shoes last year. I hope you all love it." Joe also gives the new kids an encouraging smile. Joe is really smart and he too wears glasses and has really blonde hair.
     "Helloooooooo, everybody! My name is Elise Rower, and guess what! I'm a 12th grader, so I'm the oldest clarinet. Yes, it is my 6th year in band, but I was a majorette in 10th and 11th grade." Elise says, finishing with a bow and flipping her gorgeous red, curly hair. Elise is really funny and courageous, and I really admire her for that. "Um, hello, um, well my name is Liza York." the little short, mixed girl says. Liza quickly looks down at the ground, easily embarrassed I see. "Hi, my name is Elizabeth Reed, Joe's little sister, and he's told me a lot about band and I am super excited to be apart of it." says this tall girl with blonde hair.
     "The name is Nathan Hull, pleased to meet all of you." the boy with the Fall Out Boy shirt on. "Nathan, I love your shirt. I am glad there is another FOB fan in the clarinet section!" I smile at him and he smiles back. "Hey, my name is Alexandria Alice, but you can call me Dria, and yes, my mom is Mrs.Alice." says the girl with pigtails and high top converse on. "Well, Dria, I am glad the band director's daughter is a clarinet player. Wasn't your mom a trombone?" Elise asks. "Yes, she was. That's what my mom wanted me to play, but I didn't." Dria answers back with a toothy grin.
I check my phone and it says we have 1 hour and 10 minutes left. "Okay, 40 minutes left." I say to no one in particular. "My name is Kaylynn Grotto, call me Kay please. I am Taylynn Grotto's little sister." says the girl with straight jet black hair and perfect nails. Kay looks nothing like Taylynn, who has wavy brown hair and cuts her nails short because of band, which I do too.
"Is that everyone?" I ask, no one raises their hand so I'm guessing so. 10 clarinets, including me. "Girls, does everyone have they're hair up? Everyone have shorts and tennis-shoes?" says Ollie, carrying a clipboard and pen. He quickly checks everyone. "Okay, good everyone! Ahh, the rookie clarinets, so adorable! I remember when I started out as a clarinet, a long 6 years ago. Now it's my 2nd year as drum major and I'm a senior." Ollie says and he looks directly into everyone's eyes. When he gets to me, he pauses for about 5 seconds but quickly shakes his head and turns and heads towards the low brass.
"EXACTLY 1 HOUR LEFT!" yells Mrs.Alice. I check my phone too, yep, she was correct, 1 hour left. I look at the 6 rookies standing before me, thinking how next school year, I will be graduating. "Vets, I will call you to attention to show the rookies. I want it to be quick and sharp!" I say with a forceful tone. I start to clap my hands for the tempo. "Band, Ten, Hut!" I yell. "Pride!" Elise, Robby, and Joe all in unison with manly voices. I walk around them, making sure they're not moving. "Rookies, please walk around the vets. Notice how they're not moving, they all have their hands on the seams of their pants, their heads are tilted upward, shoulder down and back, and their feet at a 45 degree angle." I say to inform the rookies and the vets. I give them 5 minutes to study the vets.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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