Split Up

8 1 16

The morning sun rose and the men made their way over to the cryostasis room, half dead and hungover from the night prior. Fuller was already waiting in the room, coffee in hand and sitting at a large table, with a map and four other people.

"So the people who took them, are located here and their most hated opposition is located here, 190km east, right?", Fuller asked looking over his notes.

"Yes, Shogun Kenshin is in charge, his warriors, under the Tasoya family, have fought there for centuries, especially against the Matsui clan", one of the blokes said.

"Ok, and enemy forces are expected to be fifty thousand plus strong and our allies twenty five thousand strong?!", Fuller asked, not so much as a question but more of a statement. "Wait correction Twenty-five thousand and eight strong".

"Yep, they are slowly loosing control and eventually will lose the war, however they are your best bet to find the men, and recover their bodies at the worst", the lady adjacent from Fuller said.

The other seven men walked in as Fuller, was still studying the map and Intel.

Looking up, Fuller saw the men standing there, in a half circle around the table, looking at the map.

"Is it me or does this look like a pile of shit, strapped to a nuke and gone off inside a tornado?", Remarked Svertis.

"Oh, it gets fooking better mate", replied Fuller as he gave the men a detailed brief of what was to be expected of them.

"So with that said any questions?", asked Fuller, the men stood still and eager to operate. "Good, as this is televised, we need a name. Any suggestions?" Fuller asked looking at the rough band of brothers.

"Hmm, how about 'Band of Brothers', you know like the tv show of about Easy Company during World War Two", Scott said proudly.

The men embraced the name and grins grew amongst one another's face.

"Band of brothers, I like it", replied Rommel.

"Well that's sorted, men lets go kick fooking arse", remarked Fuller as the men walked over to the cryo tubes.

Men and women in white Coats walked in and divided them selves, amongst the men. The men, got undressed, taking all their clothes off to bare all and moved into the pods. All were quite and anxious. Not knowing what will happen.

"Ok, this will tickle, or hurt immensely", one of the scientists said. But, before any of the men could react, the scientist initiated the process. Cold liquid nitrogen poured into the tubes and a serum was inject into the men. Their heads hooked up to a computer and their body's froze stiff, Svertis froze with his middle fingers up.


The world around them quickly changed from a lab to a grassy plain, trees shot up from the ground. The grass, changed and the floor became mud, insects appeared and whipped around the earth. Finally the world stopped forming and the men were thrown to the ground, landing in the mud face first.

"Mierda", Fernandez, said under his breath. Looking around, he couldn't see anyone in the dense forest. Picking up his Aug Styre, gripping the underneath of where the Grenade launcher was attached, Fernandez gave another look around and started to move off to his right, hoping to run into someone else from his brick.  Treading carefully, boots slushing around in the mud, Fernandez, scanned the area around him, moving with purpose but cautious. The weapon parallel to the ground and moving with his head, ready to engage any target that presents themselves. The moon shined between the thick undergrowth of ancient Japanese forests.

Two hundred metres away kneeling in the mud, Scott, was looking at his map. "Ok, that feature is here so that puts that feature here", Scott said to himself as he began trying to figure out his location. Before finishing, he herd a stick snap. Immediately throwing himself to the ground, Scott gripped his SA80, and peered through its sights, looking down the darkness of the trees. A silhouette cautiously walked from tree to tree.

"Ford!", Scott yelled out.

"Bridge!", was the reply from the darkness. "What couldn't make out i had a gun Corporal", Park said.

"Fook. Gotta use to the fact us 8 are the only lads with weapons out here", Scott replied, raising to a knee and looked back at the map. "Don't happen to know where the other lads are do ya mate. It's getting quite lonely out here I say".

Park, walked over and took a knee next to Scott, facing away and staring into the ancient forest. "No, have not seen nobody. This is bad, very bad", park said.

"Bollocks, righto. New plan, go that way on a bearing of one one four five, mils. It leads to a dam, and a clearing. Be our best bloody bet to group up. Are Comms working?", Scott said, shooting a bearing with his compass.

"Not with this thick trees. Only static, but if we get close we should be able to talk." Replied park, looking through the scope of his HK416.

"Sod it!", barked Scott. "How far did you walk to find me, then?!".

Taking a few seconds, park answered, "roughly two hundred metres, but in this thickness, took me ten minutes to navigate".

Scott, packed away his map and shoved it into his pants pocket and stood up. Giving hand signals, the duo departed the location and set out for the dam.

Almost a kilometre away, Fuller was wading through the marsh land, his gear weighing down heavily. The morning sun, barely penetrating the thick undergrowth, visibility was limited to fifty metres. Fuller froze still, as a group of shadows moved by some twenty metres ahead. About thirty men in armour and on horses trodded by. Fuller, slowly and carefully reached for his grenade and pulled it out. Finger on the pin he waited in silence for one of them to spot him. However the group was undisciplined and heads remained straight forward, only one of them turned to the marsh and stood still. Fuller, preparing to lob the grenade by grasping and slightly pulling the pin, his heart pumping. Suddenly that soldier fell over and the loud yelling roared and chaos ensued. The men engaged another group of roughly the same size. Being forced into the marsh, Fuller, hastily made his way to a tree surrounded by small bushes. Dropping his pack he went prone. Watching on in horror as men a slashed apart with swords, horses trampling the injured.

A body collapsed infront of Fuller, the dudes eyes were peering at him. The mans chest raising and falling sharply as he tried gasping his words. Taking no chances, Fuller, pulled the pin on the grenade and lobbed it. As it exploded, Fuller dashed from the bush, firing his rifle. From behind, fuller saw a bright flash and a loud noise rang through his ears.

"MOOOVE!", a voice yelled out.

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