Chapter 1: Wildfire

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Chapter 1: Wildfire

Have you ever heard the stories of the legendary captain of the Volcanian Crimson Knights, with hair like a flame, with a soul just bursting with sparks of ember? That was my brother, Aiden.

I lived with him at home until he got the position of captain. Volcania is well protected with my brother around patroling the eastern and western plains. We don't usually get  together that often, so we send each other letters. I promised that I would be as strong as my brother, so every time my brother was in town, I use that opportunity to train with him. But after a year, Aiden vanished and was never seen again.

Since his disappearance, Volcania became weak and soon our village suffered from frequent attacks. But after all of these, our village learned a different style of surviving pretty quickly. So it wasn't such a total problem.

Someone needed to find my brother, and by someone, I mean me. I joined the Volcanian Search Party to find the Crimson Knights and their captain. We were successful in finding the Crimson Knights, but not much luck finding my brother.

This happened three years before the devastation occured. Might as well tell you what happened.

[Three Years Later] Day of the disaster

I was doing what I always do, training. I never did rest, so I was exhausted. My toy sword broke when I did my final swing. I saw My neighbor was staring at me, leaning at the new painted fence we did last week.

"Lucas, you look tired." He said. "Go get some rest, you pushed yourself too much.". " I'm fine, I just need a ten minute break." I wiped the sweat just dripping down my face. "You really mean it when you said you will walk in the footsteps of your brother, wanna try my fresh Ice Tea?" He offered, holding a tray of glasses filled with Ice Tea.

"Thanks but no thanks." I didn't hate the drink, I just don't want to. "Suit yourself." He left and went inside his house.

I think I regret saying no. It was hot, like really hot. "Maybe I need some rest. besides, the festival is today." I went inside my home and changed my clothes. I'd go with my old clothes, but there's just too much sweat stains, wouldn't want that in the festival.

The festival is held exactly every three years to honor my brother and his service to Volcania. And since he is my brother, I try to wear the perfect attire for this occasion, and if you didn't notice, I try to change my way of communicating just for my brother.

At the break of dawn, we usually hang our lanterns to both light the celebration and honor my brother.

I burst out of the door and run along the village to the places that I usually visit every festival, which is, fun fact: the places that my brother visits when he comes back home. The retaurants here are his favorite, we always dine here when we have money.

Its almost midnight, its usually when my sister comes back before she vanished. The bonfire was lit, symbolizing the festival has started. several floats passed by our house with bright colors. Fireworks were launched, and lets just say, some tears were shed. Its tears of joy, I promise. I usually sit on the roof, swinging my legs gently.

I always feel happy mid celebration. It always reminds me of my brother. Well, not this time.

We feast after all the floats passed by, and I can just say, that was the best meal I have right before 'it' happened. Then, we went out and hang banners near the statue. Few banners are colorful, and most come in the color blue, yellow, or red. Blue to represent the wisdom and loyalty my brother displayed. Yellow to represent the optimistc, cheerful, and bright side of my brother. And red to represent his strength and courage. The other colors just represented harmony and other stuff thats less important, personally.

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