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 Avari stood in the helicopter, waiting for the signal. When it was given she dropped the rope out the open door and began to descend. She landed and quickly unhooked herself from the rope, signaling the chopper to leave when she was free.

"Cobra is loose." she said into her headset.

"Roger that," replied a man, "Direct cobra three kilometers towards 300, mouse will be dropped on the way."

"Wilco." she replied as she pulled out a compass and got her bearings. She began walking in the direction specified, 300deg on her compass, and walked two kilometers before coming across a duffel bag. She checked the supplies, which were mostly just explosive charges set and prepped for quick application. A black case sat under the duffel and in it was a light sniper with a silencer. "The cobra caught the mouse." she said as she pulled the duffel onto her back and grabbed the case by the handle. She continued walking when the man said to, then climbed a ridge and saw the target. She dropped the duffle and set the case down, opening it up and putting the rifle together. She observed the guards for a while then saw her chance. The shot was almost a whisper and the guard went down without a sound. Continuing her observation she took out three more guards before the first was found, but she was able to kill the finder before they could raise the alarm. The second and third ones were found as she packed up her rifle and picked up her duffle. Her movements were silent but quick as she made her way around the building without getting closer. Once she arrived on the opposite side the sirens had stopped but the alert wasn't over yet. Avari dropped the duffel and the case then removed the black suit she was wearing. Underneath it was a torn up outfit, the top had been the most fun, in her opinion, to tear. She started running down the hill screaming, and purposely stumbling a couple of times. The guard was astonished by her appearance, her left breast hanging loose and her croch visible through the massive tear in her skirt. She stopped a few feet from him and began begging him to help her. She lied and said there was a man in the woods chasing her and that he had tried to rape her. The guard moved over to her and said she would be alright as long as she stayed with him, as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. That is when she stuck the needle into his chest and emptied the drug into his heart, which immediately began moving it through his body. He stumbled back and looked at her astonished as he attempted to pull out his pistol. He began to sway and then he finally fell to the ground, paralyzed.

Avari dragged the incapacitated guard up to the bushes where she had hidden her equipment. She quickly put the black suit back on and got the duffle and case. She casually walked down to the now unguarded gate. Once she got to the gate she checked the other guards positions again. Two guards were walking towards the gate and would have seen her but they were too busy arguing about some nonsense. They just passed right by where Avari was standing and she was able to move in and get into the building undetected. She immediately moved into the first empty room she came across and set down the bag and case.

"Cobra is in the nest." she said into her headset.

"The egg is in basement, floor three four and five." replied the man.

"Roger." she replied and picked up the bag and case.  She was about to exit the room when she heard voices coming down the hall.

"I want every room checked." said a woman's voice. Avari froze and almost didn't recover fast enough to hide before the guards opened the door and checked the room. She knew that voice, but why would she be here? Who was she working for? Had she betrayed them? The guards left and continued down the hall while Avari pushed the case and duffle through the air vent.

"A bird is in the nest." she said when she arrived at a maintenance tunnel. She was replacing the vent cover when she heard a brawl happening. She approached the end of the tunnel and saw a circle of men around two men swinging at each other. None of the men had any shirts on and their weapons were leaning against the far wall.

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