Chapter 2.

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"Sir, if you could just let me explain--If you could just let me finish, we could sort this out perfectly well, we don't need to--"

"If you could refrain from patronizing me ma'am, that would be much appreciated."

"But, Sir--"

Theo's eyes slowly opened at the sudden chilly exposure the opening of the door brought. His nose briefly wafted into the soft smell of coconut and flowers that were residing in the even softer pillow his head had been caressing. His momentary appreciation for the angelic feel he received from the bed he lay on was harshly interrupted by a loud voice in his ear.

"What the hell are you doing? Get the hell off this bed," the voice ordered, which caused Theo to instantaneously tear himself away from it.

"Sir, please--" His mother pleaded to the man, but the only action Theo saw necessary to commit was to get his eyes as alert as possible by rubbing away all its sleep.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked groggily, his mind wandering off to the faraway, yet close events to the day before.

"Who the hell am I? Who the hell are you?" The injecting, heavy voice pounded against his eardrums. "I'm calling the police," he continued, as he brought out a phone from his pocket.

"No, no, please don't do that!" Dana begged, looking the man fiercely in the eye.

"For what? We're not doing anything wrong," Theo probed, his head pounding with the furious confusion circulating around it.

"Not doing anything wrong? You've come into my house; smashed up the dishes; made this place an absolute mess; and you've even had the nerve to sleep on-"

"Wait, wait, what are you talking about? I've been living here temporarily," Theo tried to explain, but the eyes belonging to the subject of his words spoke that they did not believe a single word that was scampering out of his mouth.

"Yes, and I am the Prince of Monaco."

"No, seriously, I--um--I was taken in by um--

"No, you weren't."

"Yes, I was. I've been living here for about-"

"No, you haven't. You know how I know? Because I received a phone call yesterday. From the woman renting this house. She informed me that her and her daughter - whose presence in this house I am perfectly aware of - are moving away for the time being."

Theo's organs began to feel as if they were shutting down with the knowledge that had just been casted upon him. "What? What do you mean moving away for the time being?"

"Surely, if you have really been living here, you would know that, no?"

"No, I uh--I--"

"Save it. The woman already told me about you."

"What--What do you mean told you about him? Told you what?" Dana questioned.

"She told me that I shouldn't be surprised if I find a tall, olive skinned young man, with scars littered all over his face attempting to make this his home." Theo's face squinted up at his words, a number of feelings piercing against his veins. "She told me that you're always hanging around here; asking for money; asking for a place to stay. She knew that you would be aware if they were to ever leave, and you would take that opportunity, and get yourself in here."

"What? No, that's not true," the tired young man began.

"Tell that to the cops."

"No, please don't call the cops on my son. He's right. The daughter of the woman you rented this to, she's the one that brought Theo home. She introduced him to her mother, and she allowed him to stay. It's not a lie."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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