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Coach Horan » chapter 02

Saturday soon rolled around and I couldn't have dreaded it more.

I dragged my feet as I walked to the door of my house, my mum behind me.

"Honey, pick up your feet. It can't be so so bad, look at the bright side! Maybe he might start to warm up to you after today" she said, ushering my out of my house faster.

"I don't want to go though, he's a cocky twat. He's only like, 10" I grumbled, adjusting my athletics bag as I walked across my garden to get to my mums car.

"Hush, Adelaide. It'll be fine." My mother reassured me, climbing into her car. I did the same, opening and closing the door. It was definitely chilly out today, my bones shook from the cold. I knew I couldn't run in a hoodie, so I had to settle on my burgundy practice jersey, the same lion design on the front like the white one, and Adidas black sweats.

My mum drove quicker than I hoped, getting to the school faster than I wished. She bid me a farewell with a kiss on the cheek, exchanging 'I love you's with each other before I exited the small car.

As I walked away, she left the premises of the school quickly. I could see Coach Horan already on field, spreading out the footballs along the penalty kick line, setting it up so I could take shorts on goal. Hanging from the top of the goal was a set of goalie gloves, ones that were probably his.

I gritted my teeth as I walked over to the empty field, the letters on the back of his jersey now easily readable. Written above the '10' on his jersey was the name 'Horan'.

I guess he did know a thing or two about football, he was obviously on a team before.

As I threw my athletics bag next to the bench, he looked over at me. "Hills, come on. You're 2 minutes late"

2 minutes? Well, damn.

I jogged over to him, tying up my hair as I went. He finally set up the footballs, going over to the goal and grabbing his red gloves.

"Take shots at goal. Remember, hard pass to the corners. After that, we can work on trick shots like the ones that you're used to doing. Then we work on juggling and ball control, and then conditioning" he said, sliding on the gloves. He positioned himself, wiggling his fingers.

I bit my lip as I looked at him. His hair was spiked into a soft quiff, tuffs of hair jutting out at random places. His sweats looked awfully similar to mine, and we had the same exact cleats. He seemed to notice as well, a small smile on his face before his lips returned to the ugly scowl. I quite liked his smile, I don't know why he made it ugh a big deal to hide it when he was around me.

"Go" he said, getting ready to stop any ball. I set up my body, backing up. I started my little run and then swung at the ball, making the ball soar through the air. It didn't hit the back of the net, though.

The ball was rested in Coach Horan's hands, and he threw the ball to the side.

"Too predictable. Try to give a stronger hit and keep your eyes on the ball, not the goal" he said, gaining eye contact before he looked away quickly.

I kicked the second ball harder, but it was still caught by his damn hands, which, might I add, are huge.

"C'mon, Hills! Harder!" He said, and I couldn't help but snicker a little bit. That's what she said. He rolled his eyes, but I saw a faint smile played on his lips.

"No time for snickering, Adelaide. Get to work or you're coming back tomorrow" He said, and I groaned.

I set up yet another ball, then stepped back. I took a deep breath, then started to run again. I swiped at the ball, making it swing through the air. I smiled widely as the white and black checkered ball hit the back of the net, smirking after I saw Coach Horan on the floor after his attempt to block my shot at goal.

He wiped the grass and dirt off of him before standing up, retrieving the ball from the back of the net before tossing it to the side.

"Water break" he mumbled, and I could tell he was a little bummed that he let the goal go through.

I smirked as I walked towards my athletics bag, Coach Horan not far behind me. I sat down once I reached the bag, seeing Coach Horan tug his gloves off and toss them near his keys.

He sat down on the bench, looking at the open field. I continued to dig inside of my bag, biting my lip. Did I really forget water? Out of everything, I forget my water?

I sighed, tossing my bag to the side, waiting for him to say the words to go back onto the field, leaving me thirsting for water. How could I forget something so simple, yet so necessary? Stupid. I heard Coach Horan start to speak, and I prepared myself to get up, but he said something unexpected.

"Drink some" he mumbled, handing me a water bottle. I felt a little bad as I took the bottle, knowing that he only had one because I couldn't see another. But I was insanely thirsty.

"Waterfall?" I asked, taking off the cap. He shook his head at me, shrugging his shoulders. He finally gave me eye contact, his eyes soft and kind, unlike his usual behavior.

"Just take a sip, I don't mind" he said, and I nodded. I took a small sip, my previous hateful thoughts towards him subsiding slightly. I didn't drink too much water, knowing that he also needed it.

I capped the bottle and handed it back to him, but he uncapped it and drank some. Awkward, I thought, it's kinda like we just ki-no! That's gross. He's your coach.

"Thank you" I said to him, blushing. You cannot like him!

He just nodded, starting to walked onto the field.

Niall's POV

You cannot like her! She's your trainee, you can't like her.

But the way she moved, the way she played, the way she looked at me...

I had to shut her out. I had to. I can't like her. I just have to be as mean and as cruel as possible until it's impossible for her to like me... It's the only way.

Coach Horan // n.h.Where stories live. Discover now