I meet them

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"Hello father" the words tasted like acid in my mouth. My dad sat sat there and stared at my dark black wings , beer evident in his his hand,   "get those ugly ass wings off" he said not even mentioning my absence from school. I've hated this man for all 15 years of my life so when i grab his beer bottle and smash it into his skull too many times to count i feel no remorse. The bloody broken bottle in my hand starts to vibrate and glow as i look at it. "I will now grant you a weapon ,the sword of no mercy, a reward for your first kill" i hear Lucifer sing behind me but my eyes do not leave the bottle as it transforms into a long silver sword. When i turn around no one is there. I leave my house and take off running into the woods with my sword.  After running deeper and deeper into the woods for hours i stop to stretch my wings. I hear static and the hair on my neck rises. I feel a presence behind me i turn to look at it thinking it was Lucifer again but i am greeted with the sight of a very tall man. "i am Slenderman" the man has no face yet i hear him speak. After i get over my initial shock i realise that he is the man Lucifer told me about. "um...hi... I'm celene di- did Lucifer mention me?" " yes, you will be staying with me and the other creepypasta's don't fear them they don't bite well...at least not each other" "okay..." " your room is ready i hope you like the color red, everything in your room is the color red sally was the one to prepare it for you" " um... how long have you been expecting me?" " a little while" " oh..well thanks!" "  no problem, follow that path it will lead you to our mansion i teleport so i will be there when you get there" "uh..okay." when he is gone i walk down the dirt path and arrive at the mansion in about 3 minutes. Slenderman is standing by the door, waiting next to him is a little girl. The girl looks to be about 8 and her face is covered with blood she wears a nightgown and holds a stuffed teddy bear. " Hi" the girl chirps and then hugs me. "Hi uh..."  "sally" " hi sally I'm celene" "i know,  your coming to live with us!" "Come inside" slenderman motions for me to enter the mansion. When i walk in i am greeted by a large group of people starring at me (i never liked that much attention on me). They all start introducing themselves. "Hi I'm Ben i love to play games..... Hehehe" a short boy with a green hat blonde hair and a green outfit says. "Uh.... i'm jeff...." a boy with black hair and a white face with a huge bloody smile on his face shrugs. Then two boys wearing masks come up to me and the one with the frowning mask says " I'm hoodie he's Masky".  And then the last two boys speak up one is named toby and the other is jack, jack has a blue mask with no eyes. "Would you like to see your room?" asks slenderman from behind me." As i walk towards my room i remember the sword in my hand its handle is clear crystal and its blade is silver with "merciless" carved into it. The sword fits my hand perfectly like it was made for me which I'm guessing it was. We reach my room and slenderman says  " rest well, tomorrow you have two hours of training then you and jeff will be working together i figure that he could use a friend." "m'okay" i mumble too busy checking out my room. I plop down on my bed and quickly dose off. When i wake i stare at the red ceiling wondering if its paint or blood. "Hi!" a voice beside me booms i jump in shock and turn to see jeff standing there. "what?"  " time for training, here" he hands me an apple. I take the apple and by the time I'm dressed and in the training room the apple is finished.  I look around the room in amazement there are weapons and dummies as far as the eye can see. I see my sword sitting on a table and ask "how'd that get here?" " i may have been practicing some moves with it"     "ha! Like what?" "to be honest just some stuff i saw on t.v."  "real skills hahaha!" "yeah laugh but what can YOU do?" I fly up and swoop down to grab my sword and chop a nearby dummy up into too many pieces to count and i let out a giggle in the process. I drop to the ground landing on my feet next to jeff. His face is in a shocked amazed expression. "Well i guess we can tell slender you don't need training" i am glad to hear this because i didn't even know i had that skill. I look over and jeff is starring at me "we've got two hours to spare,  i guess we could get straight to the fun part i mean.....if you wanna?" "sure."

They go on their first killing spree and it was a huge success.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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