The End of the Beginning

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The Diamond of the Day
“Two sides of the same coin.”

This is the end of the beginning, the beginning is the story of a prince who became a king and a boy who became a man. That story is about to end, and a new one is about to take its place. 

The valley became dim, as the darkness began closing in. No wind whispered in the trees. No people dared to speak. No sound was heard, except for the sound of footsteps that was like the darkness. They were closing in, and they brought death with them.
Arthur were ready, the sword steady in his hands. Many people believed that a king was nothing without his crown, but it isn’t true. If anyone had proven that, it was Arthur. His sword was his crown, his motivation the people, his people, and he would not let them die to the hands of Mordred.
Arthur watched as the torches came closer, one light for one face. There were hundreds of them, hundreds of people that was either going to kill or be killed, probably both.

Mordred swung his sword, slayed man after man in the almost complete darkness. He watched the faces of his fallen, looked for one man in particular. A blonde head, that soon was going to roll across the bloody ground among all the other fallen warriors.
A wall of Pendragon warriors with dark red cloaks flowing in the wind prevented him from coming forward, their swords high in the air, their eyes stared at him, daring him to come ahead. He took a step, then another, but before he had the chance of doing something, all of them screamed and fell dead to the ground. Mordred turned around, and his eyes saw into the white wild eyes of Lady Morgana. She smiled before raising her hands into the air. Thunder boomed over them, and rain started to fall.

A lonely man with white a long beard standing in the mountains, knew that he didn’t have much time left. Not his time, he wasn’t the one that was about to die. His friend was, and in that moment, it was more important than the man’s own life.

King Arthur saw his warriors fall to the ground when the spell hit them. Before he had the time to react a scream echoed over the dead, the living and everything in between. He looked up and a dragon that roared over them, breathing fire over the king and his men.
Then the dragon disappeared, flying high in the air and he could no longer see the beast. He held his sword tight as one of the enemies jumped at him, he ducked and drove the blade deep into the man’s chest. Another enemy approached him, held an axe in his hand and Arthur had to take a step back as the big shouldered man swung it over his head.
Suddenly a silver lightning hit the man in the head, he winced before he fell to the ground. Arthur turned around and saw another enemy hitting the dirt, one that had been standing behind him, ready to shove a sword into his back. The lightning came from the mountains, where a silhouette was standing among the stones. Arthur heard a shrinking scream, from the witch that wanted him dead. Morgana.
-Emrys! She cried with so much anger and despair.  
Silver lightning continued striking people all around him, and Morgana was one of them that fell to the ground. Her long black hair, becoming one with the darkness. Her long red dress, becoming one with the blood flowing the ground. From her companions, and her sworn enemies.
Then another scream shook the valley, and Arthur could see the dragon coming closer again. The wings so large they almost hid the moon behind them, leaving the valley in dim once again.
The man in the mountains raised a stick, and the dragon roared before disappearing.
Arthur smiled, before he raised his sword and screamed:

A woman with long dark curls looked at the man next to her, the man’s face had wrinkles and his hair were as white as the first snowflakes landing on the ground a morning in december.
-Who is that? The woman asked the man, and the man smiled. Pride rose in his chest.
-Someone remarkable, he answered her.
-Do you know him?
-Let’s just say he deserves our gratitude.

The old man with the white beard, Emrys, limped down the mountain and over the dead bodies of the fallen. His stick helped him, as he walked closer to the one thing that he feared the most. The possibility to lose one of the closest friend he had ever had. King Arthur.

King Arthur fought many enemies, he fought hard and were breathing fast. He stopped and saw that a man on the ground was alive, it was one of his warriors. The man had blood dripping from his chin and his eyes were half closed. But the little light that were left in them, never left Arthur’s face. His king. Arthur took the man’s hand and nodded and the man’s body relaxed, he had done everything for his country and could finally take his last breath.
Arthur heard steps closing in on him, fast. He turned around and looked into a pair of young eyes. Young, but full of hatred. Mordred’s.
Mordred swound his sword, about to drive it in Arthur’s stomach when something came in front of him. Mordred flew back and his spine hit the stone wall behind him, Arthur heard a crashing sound and the young, but full of hate, boy’s body fell.
Arthur looked at the ground and his heart almost stopped in his chest. In front of him, a man was lying. Emrys, Merlin, the man with the white beard. But the only thing Arthur called him, was the word ‘friend’.
Merlin’s body was no longer old, it was young again, but he was hurt. His body was limp, his head laid on the stones, blood made his already dark red shirt look darker.
Arthur sat down next to his friend, and took his hand.
-What the hell Merlin?! He cried out and Merlin’s eyes flickered. His friend smiled a half smile.
-Saving… saving your sorry ass, Merlin said with a low voice but Arthur laughed. His eyes stung, he could feel the tears coming and one ran down his cheek.
-I’m glad you’re here, Merlin, Arthur said.
Merlin tried to nod.
-I’m happy to be your servant, till the day I die, Merlin answered and his body shuddered. He was freezing, everything around him became cold.
Arthur shook his head.
-You are not dying on me, shithead.
Merlin grinned and used his magic to heal the wound in his stomach, he loved to tease the new king. Arthur raised his eyebrows, taking a little step back as Merlin got up on his knees. Arthur started to laugh, he was so happy that his friend was alive that he didn’t care that Merlin had magic.
He looked Merlin in the eyes.
-This would explain the time I became a donkey!

That is the end of the beginning.
The beginning of the legend about King Arthur and his friend, the Sorcerer Merlin.

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