hay babi

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Harambes pov

der he waz

a perfect man

mr. sexy clean

his bald hed had a beatutiful shine

i waz so caught up in the moment i didnt see the child next to me

i look back up to see mr. sexy clean fighting wit a man who waz pointing a gun at me

he whips his dick out an he screchez DICKS OUt FOR HARAMBE and sprayed clorax bleach cum all over the man and stunnez him 

DoNt touch my beb!1!!11!!111!!!1!111!!11 Mr. sexy clean scemed as i piked up the chld net to meh and yolled dont tlk to meh or mai son ever again 1!11!11!1!!!!!!1!!!11!11!!1

Dis is teh stori of ho i met mr. sexyh clean

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