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61) Go onto the streets and look for money

62) Write a story on wattpad

63) Visit a Chile with cancer and make their day

64) When someone knocks on your door, knock back and see how long it goes on for

65) Super glue £1 to the floor and see how many people go down to pick it up

66) Draw pictures in total darkness and see how they turn out

67) Try and get your friends to laugh

68) Drink water

69) Hold your nose and try to hum

70) Connect lots of straws together and drink water from the other side of the room

heyyyyy thanks so much for reading guyyyys!!

We are almost at 100!

Make sure you stay on my page because I have started this new book called duck duck goose and I will be updating soon.

Thanks and love you all!!

100 Things To Do When You're Bored [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now