Chapter Three.

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"Hun someones at the door!" Ugh yay thats just what I need, a visitor.

"Alright! Im coming"

Ive been clean for 2 days. No cuts.

Walking down stairs I look in the window to see who it is... Moriah? I walk to the door and open it. Geez shes to excited.

"Hey! I was wondering if you would like to go on a picnic with me and my brother?"

"uhm sorry I cant-"

"yes she can! Your going Emma"

"why thanks mom" flashing her a annoyed look. Mom I didnt want to go! Ugh...the struggle.

"great thats wondeful! Why dont you go get dressed and ill meet you in 15 minutes" 15 minutes but im already dressed. Whatever... hmmm should I wear something cute. Maybe this flowery shirt and Jeans. Oh dont forget my jacket. What? Just because I cut doesnt mean I have to dress goth. I hear a knock at the door and I jump on my feet to see Moriah.

"Hey!-woah I love your top!" Shes says with a oh la la look. Ive never got a complement on my clothes. Feels weird but good.

"ok lets go!" We hop in her car were Xavier is. Hes so cute.

He has brown short hair with some curls in it. He also has these gorgeous Blue eyes. And then his smile... He has the most adorable lips I have ever seen.

"Hello? Hello?" I snap out of my thoughts to see Moriahs hand in my face.


"Were here!" She points to this cute little park with a small playground. I wanna play on that! Just because im 16 doesnt mean I cant have fun.

We walk over to a small spot in the grass and sat down. Xavier put down the blanket and Moriah put out the food. I just sat there not knowing what to do.

"So uh what do you want to drink?" Says a deep voice. Xavier ahhhh.

"W-what do you h-have?" I always do that. Curse my stupidness.

"Water and Apple Juice"

"Ill have water" I say with a smile as he pours me some and hands it to me. Play it cool. Hes just a boy. A very cute boy who will never like you.

"Oh yeah stop reminding me"

Did I just say that out loud.

"um what?" Moriah pops out and says.

"oh uh sorry its nothing"


"Hey it might be weird but do you want to play on the playgrou-"

"Do I want to? Duh!" She jumps up on her feet and grabs my arm. We both run to the playground like we were little kids. We jump on the swings, its the first thing we saw.

Xavier is still sitting down.

"Why is Xavier sitting over there?"

"idk... Xavier!! Come have fun with us!!"

"Um no ill just sit here for now!!"

"please!!" She starts giving him a puppy face so I join in and do it to.

"Oh all right!" He jogs on over to us. He sits on the ground next to my swing.

"So whats your name anyway?"

Moriah asks out of no where.

"Oh sorry my names Emma" shes smiles at me and starts swinging higher.

"Emma... Thats gorgeous" I look over at Xavier. He thinks my name is gorgeous.

"Thanks I guess"

" No problem" he flashes me a smile and walks back over to the picnic, Moriah and I follow right behind him.

after we were done putting everything away we hopped in the car. It was silent on the way home.

We got to my house and they dropped me off. I grabbed the door handle. I heard footsteps behind me so I turned to see who it was. Xavier...

"Hey today was fun."

"Yeah it was"

"W-would you like to go fishing with us in a few days?"

"umm yeah sure I would love to" giving him a smile I walk in my house and shut the door. Hes so cute! Agh.


Hehe I hope you guys liked it!

Love Hana :*

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