Chapter 2: The Underground?

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((A/N: they are not in the Underground yet btw))

Dipper's P.O.V:
I woke up on the ground. After a few minutes of lying there, I got up and looked around. I couldn't see Mabel anywhere, I started to freak out 'Oh no, where is she?!?!?!' I thought. "MABEL?!?!" I yelled, I walked forwards a little bit then saw her on the ground. She hadn't woken up yet, so I walked over to her and sat next to her on the ground. An hour later, she finally woke up. 'Thank God, she's not dead' I thought then I got up and helped her up. "Where are we Dipper?" she asked, "I don't know Mabel," I said. Once Mabel was up I looked around again. I saw a mountain, once I saw it, I tapped on Mabel's shoulder. She looked at me and I pointed to the mountain. She saw the mountain and got excited, "Lets go climb it Dip!" Mabel said, "Ummmm... lets not, Mabel" I said. "Awwwww, come on bro bro, what can happen? It's just a mountain," Mabel said. I sighed, "Fine, but stay close to me, okay?" I said, "Okay!" Mabel replied then she started skipping to the mountain. I followed her.

Mabel's P.O.V:
"Okay!" I replied to Dipper then started skipping to the mountain Dipper pointed out. I was so excited, I was smiling bigger than when Grunkle Ford told us about the portal he built. I looked back to see Dipper, he was worried, but I just looked forward and continued skipping to the mountain. It took maybe three hours to get to the base of the mountain, but we made it! I stopped for a few then started running up the mountain. "Mabel!!! Slow down!!!!!!" I heard Dipper yell, but I ignored him and continued to run up. I stopped in front of a root in the rock of the mountain, well, more like Dipper stopped me by grabbing my arm. After Dipper stopped me, he let go of my arm. "Mabel, I told you to slow down!" Dipper said, "I know...." I said, my smile faded. Dipper sighed then said, "It's okay, at least you didn't trip and fall down that hole." He pointed to a large, dark, pitch black dark, hole. I looked at the hole and a shiver went down my spine. I looked back at Dipper, "Don't worry Mabel, we won't fall down there as long as we are careful," said Dipper as he smiled at me. I smiled back and started walking again, not looking where I was stepping, I tripped over the root and started to fall. Although, before I started falling Dipper grabbed my arm again, but he was too late. We both fell down the hole. We both yelled as the darkness swallowed us whole. A few minutes after we hit the ground, I looked at Dipper then blacked out.

Dipper's P.O.V:
Mabel looked at me when we hit the ground then she blacked out. A second later I blacked out.

*Time skip! Brought to you by Flowey!!*

Dipper's P.O.V (still):
I woke up and saw Mabel still knocked out from the fall. Everything hurt, but I sat up, ignoring the pain, and sat there waiting for Mabel to wake up. I looked around, it was very dark then I looked at where I was sitting. It was a patch of yellow flowers. Two hours past and Mabel woke up. She sat up yelping in pain then she fell back down on the flowers again. I stood up and helped Mabel up then let go of her hand and started walking down the hall? I don't know really.... anyways, I looked back and Mabel was following me, so I looked forward and continued to walk. I stopped in front of a dark purple door, Mabel stopped beside me and starred at the door. I hesitated for a second but then walked through the door, Mabel followed me. We walked for a few minutes and I stopped. There was a little yellow flower with a.... face? 'Weird' I thought and just looked at the flower. I stopped looking at the flower and faced Mabel, she looked excited and she started walking towards the flower but I grabbed her arm and she stopped. "I don't have a good feeling about this Mabel..." I said, she just looked at me annoyed, "Stop being so paranoid bro bro" Mabel said. "I-I'm not being paranoid!" I yelled, "Fine, whatever you say Dipstick," Mabel replied.

Mabel's P.O.V:
"I-I'm not being paranoid!" Dipper yelled, "Fine whatever you say Dipstick," I replied. I heard a high pitched laugh then turned to look at the yellow flower, Dipper did the same. The flower had a smile on it's face, "Howdy, are you two done arguing because if you are, I would like to talk to you," the flower said. I nodded and Dipper nodded too, "Great! Well, howdy, I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!" the flower that called itself Flowey said. "Where are we, Flowey?" Dipper asked, "Welcome to the Underground, humans!" said Flowey. "The Underground?" Dipper and I said in unison.

((A/N: Well sorry this chapter took forever to write but, I was running away from Flowey and it was hard to write and run at the same time. Anyways, I'll try and get the 3rd Chapter done during the day and if I don't I will get it done tomorrow morning! Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Me: don't start this again Flowey....
Flowey: fine..... but I'll kill you next time!
Me: doubt that, you stupid weed.
Flowey: *shoots a "Friendliness Pellet" at Lilly*
Me: *dodges* go Flowey....
Flowey: fine...... *disappears under the ground or soil*
Again hope you like the story! (even though there are only two chapters so far) Bye Peeps!!!!))

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