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"I have file number 678, Dan," the officer waves the packet in his hand to offer an action to prove that he actually does have it. Dan huffs, and takes the pen out of his mouth, wiping the spit on his shirt before setting it down next to him. He leans over the space separating them, placing his palms flat on the desk before standing up to face the doorway. The cigarette in his mouth is lighted up for the fifth time. 

"Read Scott. I got no time for shit. We need to find those sorry fuckers before the UN does." Dan lets out a huge laugh, his belly shaking with the chuckles swarming the dusk air around him. He hears the rustle of things being pulled out. 

"File 678 says this group is a fraud. They're doing this to grab attention, and rule the world. They want to take over everything, and everyone. It also says they want to steal all the money the U-"

"Bullshit," Dan says. He blows out a puff of smoke before sitting back down in the uncomfortable chair he had sat down on for the last thirty years. He sets both of his feet on the table before turning to Scott, and raising a brow at him. "They don't want no attention, sonny boy, and they ain't no frauds."

Scott nervously grabs the collar of his shirt, and shakes it a bit to get some cold air in. He places the file on the desk, and grabs the next file that was emailed to him not days before the big catastrophe in New York City. He sets it in front of Dan, and opens it to the first page, his eyes barely skimming the words as he reads aloud to his companion.

"File 734 says that they were sent from the Russian Mafia to spy on American lands. It is stated here that they have left traces of Russian products down near the huge bombing in New Mexico three months ago. It always says in bold that they are faking it." Scott closes the file, and stares at Dan with eyes full of compassion. "What do you think, Dan?"

Dan chuckles deeply. He stares up at the young man with a dangerous twinkling in his eyes. He taps the blue pen lightly against the desk. "You wanna know what I think? I'll tell you what I think." he spits. "I think dis' be a great shitload of crap brought to you by the UN itself." 

Scott shakes his head. "How are you sure? You haven't even met them."

Dan shrugs. "When you live as long as me, you be looking back, and be saying to yourself, 'Boy, was Dan right about this'. I'll tell you what this 'dangerous' group is- they're a group of young teenagers afraid to admit they broke the damn law. Ain't I right, Scott? Ain't I?"

Scott smiles at him. "I guess you are." The lie escapes his mouth into the loud silence caused by his words. He whistles lowly to make it seem like the place has more sound instead of the everlasting stillness of the air. 

Dan scribbles on the sticky note near him. He writes down a sloppy address of a place forbidden to all of humanity except for the creator himself. He hands it to Scott, and nods to him. "Go to this place, and don't ya be looking back at this dump."

Scott glances at the location with a horrified look on his face full of baby fat. He runs his smooth fingers over the messy writing, and shakes a little when his brain flashes with the memory of the old, wooden house by the creek. "What 'bout you Dan?"

"I was born here. I will die here."

Scott repeated those words in he's head I was born here. I will die here. He knew what that meant. This will be they're last moment together. Hopefully not, he thought. Sure the man was an asshole but still.

Before leaving he looked back at Dan "May we meet again" and with that he left. With three words in mind,

Never look back. He didn't, and he probably never would. 

Dan, simply in a different state of mind, thinks about going home to his gorgeous collection of wine bottles littering the wall along with fancy glassed he had purchased himself. He wants to drown all worries about the somewhat stupid group with burning alcohol. His hands itch to reach under his desk, and pull out a whole notebook full of things he wants to do before he dies from old age, or, even worse, murder. 

Scratching his bald head, he resists the urge as he watches Scott walk out the back door to join whatever clan he's in. Finally, when he turns around the corner does he take out the journal full of secrets. 

At the very back, he reads the note and gasps.

"You can't hide that long, Danny."



Idea credit goes to Milo. 

I honestly have no idea if I can keep up with updates .-. Oh whale 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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