Who is he?

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It was a very slow day at the coffee shop. Nothing exciting. Nothing new. No new people, just faces I've seen before. All the same orders. I wanted something new. By noon the shop was empty so I folded my arms on the counter and laid my head down. "Uh Luna what are you doing?" Olivia asked me. I looked at her from under my arm. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm wishing for my shift to be over." I said to her. "It's that or someone new come in this place, but we both know that's not gonna happen." As I said that I heard the bell ring to the door letting us know someone just came in. I looked up to a nice surprise. My big brother walked in. Seán McLoughlin. That's right I'm his little sister. I haven't seen him since I moved to the Americas. "SEÁN!" I yelled. I hopped over the counter not a care in the world just to give him a hug. "Luna!" He yelled just like I did. My boss came out and yelled "MCLOUGHLIN!" He was about to say more but he saw me hugging someone. "McLoughlin who is this?" He asked me. While still hugging Seán I told him that this was my big brother. I told him I was sorry for yelling but I was excited because I haven't seen him since I moved here to LA. He understood but told me not to yell like that again. Then he went back into his office. I may not like how slow it is in the shop but at least my boss was nice. "What are you doing here?" I asked my brother. "Well I came here to see my baby sis." He told me. This was his first time in LA so I was surprised he found his was to the coffee shop I work at. We were talking for god knows how long and I had to get back to work so he left to get settled in his hotel room. I walked back behind the counter once again waiting for my shift to be over. "So that's your famous brother? He looks familiar why is that?" Olivia said. "Oh that's because he's a youtuber. On there he goes by the name Jacksepticeye." I told Olivia. Her eyes were huge after I said that. "I take it you are a fan?" "Uh ya I am how did I not realize you were his sister?" I could see Olivia trying to pice it all together in her head. She keeped rambling on when I heard the bell again. I turned around to see a rather handsome man with the top of his head dyed red that I could tell that have been there for quite awhile because of how faded it was and the out growth. I had a feeling that I've seen this man before, but where? "Excuse me ma'am? I'm kinda lost could you direct me to the highway?" He asked. His voice sounded so familiar. I wrote the directions on a napkin and I don't know why but I automatically wrote my phone number on there too. "Here you go just follow the directions on here and you should make it to the highway. Since you are here why don't you get a drink. You look thirsty." I didn't expect him to actually order something but after I said that he looked up at the menu. "Um I'll have the lemonade please." He said. I went to tell Olivia to make him the lemonade but she was still putting the pieces together that I was Jacksepticeye's little sister. I walked over to her and shook her to get her attention. "Olivia this nice gentleman would like a lemonade." I told her. She looked up and screamed, covered her mouth and said "Oh. My. God. Y-your Markiplier! C-can I get a picture?" That's why he seemed so familiar. Ok I have to admit I had a crush on him but I'd never think I would meet him in person. And I gave him my number. Olivia got a picture with him and quickly made him the lemonade. As he was about to leave I smiled at him and said "Come again!" He said he planned on coming back soon. Once he left I turned to Olivia and told her that before I realized who he was I gave him my number. I started to freak out thinking he was going to think I was some sort creep. "Why didn't I think of that?" Olivia said. "Olivia all I was going to do was wright the directions to the highway and somehow managed to wright my number. What am I going to do? He's probably thinking I'm a creep for giving him my number!" I said. "Relax didn't you have a crush on him anyways? For all you know he might call you and you two might hook up. Isn't it your dream to be with him?" Olivia said. Olivia was right. He MIGHT call me and we MIGHT hook up but I highly doubt that will happen. "Keyword 'might' and no Olivia that's just a fantasy of mine you know my dream is to be a somebody in this world because right now I'm just a nobody that just gave her phone number to a famous youtuber with 14 million subscribers." I said putting my face in my hands. Olivia came over and started to rub my back. "Luna you are not a nobody. You have friends who think you are a somebody." I could tell she was trying to make me feel better. I was glad I had her as a friend and as a roommate I knew she was going to make me my comfort food when we got home.

This might take a bit because I am working on another story so I might take a little bit to upload another part and to top that all off I have school to do so I apologize in advance if it take me a bit to upload.

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