thank you to all my friends for their support xxx

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  • Dedicated to those who saved my life

I dont want to be called horrible names anymore

I dont want to be called a whore

I dont want to be the girl I am anymore

being that girl seems to have become a chore

I want to be someone new

or maybe the person I once knew

I have finally realised

nearly everything I said was lies

I have so many people to thank for helping me survive

without them I would not be alive

so many people were there for me and still are to this day

and I thank them so much for making that choice to stay

I want to thank them all especially one

he helped me not think about suicide thats what he done

he made me feel happy

he helped me become more chatty

I wish I could thank him

but I don't want him to think of me as dim

I want to thank all of the people who have been there for me

for letting me be who I want to be

I want to thank all the people who stood by my side

no matter how many times I lied

I want to thank so many people but I dont know how

to all those people you should take a bow

you saved a life not once or twice but three times I want to thank you

without you I don't know what I'd do

without all of you I wouldn't be here

all of you I cherish and hold so dear

some of the people I'm thanking have wattpad

some dont including that one lad

some of you will read this

and I hope you don't dis

I do mean this

if you ever wanna talk I'm here, I promise no matter what I won't dis

thank you all so much for being there with me through the good and bad

being there with me when I had stuff to deal with to do with my dad

thank you all

dont forget I love you all, don't give up, stand up tall

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