Happy birthday kalimarie

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It's been a a couple weeks since the shade room put that article out about me and I've been in the media every day with a new crazy story out about me. It was hilarious to me and August. Anyways today is my babies birthday Kalimarie and my Bestfriend Kimberly so I decided to throw Kalimarie one of the biggest birthday bashes ever I mean my baby is six. I can't believe six years ago I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. She brings so much joy to me I can't even explain she has really changed my life for the better I could never repay her enough.

I got out of bed walking downstairs making Kalimarie her favorite breakfast to start off her morning. Kalimarie loved when I made these Mickey Mouse waffles with Canadian bacon and eggs. I placed her food at the table and went upstairs to get her.

" happy birthday my little sunshine I love you so much , you make me so proud to be your mother every single day " I said kissing her cheek as she sat at the table

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" happy birthday my little sunshine I love you so much , you make me so proud to be your mother every single day " I said kissing her cheek as she sat at the table

" I love you too mommy thank you for everything you do for me " she said eating her food

" happy birthday little big head , nah I'm be nice today lil babeh you my Bestfriend I love you and I hope you enjoy " August said as he walked in the dining room with bags of gifts

" thank you block head I love you too and you my Bestfriend too but you can't tell Chris " she said hugging him

" want you mean you can't tell me we supposed too be best friends " Chris said coming in the dining with Lianna behind him

" oh Chris no we are best friends I didn't mean that " she said eating

" good now happy birthday Bestfriend " he said handing her a stack of hundreds

" thank you Bestfriend, ohh wow mommy look I rich now " she said smiling waving the cash around

" yes baby you balling " I said smiling

" my baby girl happy birthday I love you " Lianna said hugging her

" thank you auntie lili love you more " Kalimarie said finishing her last waffle

I grabbed Kalimarie's plate placing it in the dishwasher and went upstairs to get out the perfect outfit for her that I bought last week. She got in the tub and I lotioned her body then got her dressed. After she was dressed i took her flexi rods out from last night and let her natural long hair fall down. I parted the side giving her a little style. She looked so cute I took so many pictures.

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